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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.10 to 09.11 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 20.10.2022 - 09.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

OMO SUNLIGHT Hand Washing Laundry Bar Soap Powder =mor {All variants) 787 6x5009 57° wr (aa och poe STA-SOFT JIK Fabric Softener Bleach 355M & |109 {All variants), {All variants) oxte 82750 f,. | ae 3% 18” 3 COMFORT Fabric Conditioner Value Pack 354 29% (All variants) poole 12 x 800 mi in bulk pack SUNLIGHT Dishwashing Liquid (Lemon only} W5¢ a 53 SUNLIGHT Dishwashing Liquid Refill Pouch {Lemon only) 750 mi eae 235° MR MIN Multi-Surface Polish 180 (All orion) 6x 300 mi GLADE 5 3. es. br orgs fe) im 13”. in bulk pack ee HEAVY TASK LIST? HEAD TO OUR MONEY CENTRE Makro Money Centres. Pay bills. Buy electricity and airtime. Do money transfers (All ya tits BOBTAIL HUSKY Dry Dog Food Wet Dog Food 35/6/63/7/8kg 199 te (All variants) 12x 385/400 ee? oI 159 ee Us pice each ak ee CATMOR PAMPER Dry Cat Food Fine Cut Multipack 12x859 DOMESTOS Thick Bleach 500 25 (All variants) when bought 20 x 750 mi Bal pk COSTAS DOOM Candles fj Insect Spray 25 x 400 g 4 (All variants) 6x300 ml 18° { 29% ae Ee 9 BABY SOFT TWINSAVER 2-Ply Toilet Unwrapped 1-Ply Toilet Tissue 6 43/2022 Makro_CAP Food Month End_BFN Valid from 20/10/2022 - 9/11/2022 Ballpoint Pen '* Colour: assorted izsevet)

Latest specials

OMO SUNLIGHT Hand Washing Laundry Bar Soap Powder =mor {All variants) 787 6x5009 57° wr (aa och poe STA-SOFT JIK Fabric Softener Bleach 355M & |109 {All variants), {All variants) oxte 82750 f,. | ae 3% 18” 3 COMFORT Fabric Conditioner Value Pack 354 29% (All variants) poole 12 x 800 mi in bulk pack SUNLIGHT Dishwashing Liquid (Lemon only} W5¢ a 53 SUNLIGHT Dishwashing Liquid Refill Pouch {Lemon only) 750 mi eae 235° MR MIN Multi-Surface Polish 180 (All orion) 6x 300 mi GLADE 5 3. es. br orgs fe) im 13”. in bulk pack ee HEAVY TASK LIST? HEAD TO OUR MONEY CENTRE Makro Money Centres. Pay bills. Buy electricity and airtime. Do money transfers (All ya tits BOBTAIL HUSKY Dry Dog Food Wet Dog Food 35/6/63/7/8kg 199 te (All variants) 12x 385/400 ee? oI 159 ee Us pice each ak ee CATMOR PAMPER Dry Cat Food Fine Cut Multipack 12x859 DOMESTOS Thick Bleach 500 25 (All variants) when bought 20 x 750 mi Bal pk COSTAS DOOM Candles fj Insect Spray 25 x 400 g 4 (All variants) 6x300 ml 18° { 29% ae Ee 9 BABY SOFT TWINSAVER 2-Ply Toilet Unwrapped 1-Ply Toilet Tissue 6 43/2022 Makro_CAP Food Month End_BFN Valid from 20/10/2022 - 9/11/2022 Ballpoint Pen '* Colour: assorted izsevet)

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