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Current special Makro - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 100 i SE savesoo 40 cm Flat Top Grill 60 cm Flat Top Grill i * Her dity 10 mm cok ple + Hecry dy 10 coking plete + Greate drains into collection ‘+ SABS compliant» Includes splashbock * Food shown for display purposes only (69066) * Greate drains into collection ray * SABS compliant « Includes sploshbock * Food shown for display purposes only 73997) Eri aa baad Bly pour Over i i eee Coffee Machine a with 2 Glass Jugs a sats coment 4 NEE 2x5cDouble Fryer MEA 38 cm Wrapping 4 Goren deb pans - * ited with water-resistant, 1 Tip heod for removal of ol ork 3 long-losng pod element + SABS complont each Paar + SABS compliant * Food shown for display purposes only (120375) (78769) CS Peanvic| a Ciel ei a — = 7] ffee 7 Toaster Flat Plate Popcorn Machine LP” Percale y ee ae =n ccs 2 Stns sel nein ey parted ios ey nsec Boston sly windows 1 Dovblewalled sine = + SABS complont + intriorbecer io kowp proce prepotetaay “ood shownor dsploy Seas + Retry protection poses oly + SABS compl Healy ope iva) Sieaieaee lay tani oon purposes only + fomperture (173493) + SABS compliant (073491) wae eVeNnia 300 mm Heat Sealing Machine * Great for sforage and portion control + Adjustable timer (209450) SNE | es) ee... Re) | 4999 each Bench Portion Scale SAVE 200 + Medel LBK30 + Copaiy: 30k < Compt ond versie {hit of mecsre nde grams, Kilogram, pounds nd conces « des burn rechargable boteres ond removable stainless ste! pan for easy cleaning aiadlk (90799) : Thermal SHARP oie | ee XE-A137-WH [RINT + Buin to cutter + USB (266802) Nee Ue othe ST Cash Register © Deportes + 200 PLUS (price look-ups) ‘+ Thermal printer * Beconk oral (395566) | ea 2 44 2022 Makro_CAP_MKNTGM88_Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022

Latest specials

SAVE 100 i SE savesoo 40 cm Flat Top Grill 60 cm Flat Top Grill i * Her dity 10 mm cok ple + Hecry dy 10 coking plete + Greate drains into collection ‘+ SABS compliant» Includes splashbock * Food shown for display purposes only (69066) * Greate drains into collection ray * SABS compliant « Includes sploshbock * Food shown for display purposes only 73997) Eri aa baad Bly pour Over i i eee Coffee Machine a with 2 Glass Jugs a sats coment 4 NEE 2x5cDouble Fryer MEA 38 cm Wrapping 4 Goren deb pans - * ited with water-resistant, 1 Tip heod for removal of ol ork 3 long-losng pod element + SABS complont each Paar + SABS compliant * Food shown for display purposes only (120375) (78769) CS Peanvic| a Ciel ei a — = 7] ffee 7 Toaster Flat Plate Popcorn Machine LP” Percale y ee ae =n ccs 2 Stns sel nein ey parted ios ey nsec Boston sly windows 1 Dovblewalled sine = + SABS complont + intriorbecer io kowp proce prepotetaay “ood shownor dsploy Seas + Retry protection poses oly + SABS compl Healy ope iva) Sieaieaee lay tani oon purposes only + fomperture (173493) + SABS compliant (073491) wae eVeNnia 300 mm Heat Sealing Machine * Great for sforage and portion control + Adjustable timer (209450) SNE | es) ee... Re) | 4999 each Bench Portion Scale SAVE 200 + Medel LBK30 + Copaiy: 30k < Compt ond versie {hit of mecsre nde grams, Kilogram, pounds nd conces « des burn rechargable boteres ond removable stainless ste! pan for easy cleaning aiadlk (90799) : Thermal SHARP oie | ee XE-A137-WH [RINT + Buin to cutter + USB (266802) Nee Ue othe ST Cash Register © Deportes + 200 PLUS (price look-ups) ‘+ Thermal printer * Beconk oral (395566) | ea 2 44 2022 Makro_CAP_MKNTGM88_Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022

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