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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 22.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

BONNITA Gouda Loaf Deroy NUTRIDAY, Ees))] Sate FLORA Regulor or Light Fat Spread Tubs ESKORT Red or Smoked Viennas (A veion 500.9 | 35 =z BRITO’S: French Polony Ad verint 2g A3 re TID, TODAY Puff Pastry [399 | = 19" = & « & DANONE PARMALAT Ultra Mel Vonilla Custord Steri Stumple Fevoured Milk 240) 2 2a" [280] 2”. oe wpe TROPIKA, ‘CLOVER, CLOVER Dairy Blend Krush Fruit Juice Fresh Milk (Al variant) 21 (Alvarion (Ful Cea or tow fot 2¢.NO VAT pa [ss ts , pe = i MARV sees Titat sin | Corp Pa > we> ars ‘Gris Pa MARYEO = MARVELS a CORDON BLEU MARVELLO CLOVER 70% Fat Spread Bricks 70% Original Fat Sproad Bricks Mooi River Selted Butter | 660 | 22” [570] 12. ee See RAINBOW RAINBOW ey aN RARew iB =¢ = a) ESKORT RAINBOW NEW ERA Russion ail Frozen Chicken Mixed Portions Frozen hitine Penot Fillets (389) 185 | 389) oo cols ag ree eco) ea aged Doe Dearie reese rts) Pia ended bah eC ee as - Ce) ‘SUREFRESH Frozen Potato Chips sr ad 234g NO VAT Deis "150" PR sO) AA: UK Rd Panis a makro m1

Latest specials

BONNITA Gouda Loaf Deroy NUTRIDAY, Ees))] Sate FLORA Regulor or Light Fat Spread Tubs ESKORT Red or Smoked Viennas (A veion 500.9 | 35 =z BRITO’S: French Polony Ad verint 2g A3 re TID, TODAY Puff Pastry [399 | = 19" = & « & DANONE PARMALAT Ultra Mel Vonilla Custord Steri Stumple Fevoured Milk 240) 2 2a" [280] 2”. oe wpe TROPIKA, ‘CLOVER, CLOVER Dairy Blend Krush Fruit Juice Fresh Milk (Al variant) 21 (Alvarion (Ful Cea or tow fot 2¢.NO VAT pa [ss ts , pe = i MARV sees Titat sin | Corp Pa > we> ars ‘Gris Pa MARYEO = MARVELS a CORDON BLEU MARVELLO CLOVER 70% Fat Spread Bricks 70% Original Fat Sproad Bricks Mooi River Selted Butter | 660 | 22” [570] 12. ee See RAINBOW RAINBOW ey aN RARew iB =¢ = a) ESKORT RAINBOW NEW ERA Russion ail Frozen Chicken Mixed Portions Frozen hitine Penot Fillets (389) 185 | 389) oo cols ag ree eco) ea aged Doe Dearie reese rts) Pia ended bah eC ee as - Ce) ‘SUREFRESH Frozen Potato Chips sr ad 234g NO VAT Deis "150" PR sO) AA: UK Rd Panis a makro m1

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