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Current special Game - Valid from 22.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 7

Special Game 22.02.2023 - 05.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAMSUNG SAVE7000, SAVE 9000 ON CREDIT 32 L Electronic Soto 32 L Electronic Soto Microwave Oven Microwave Oven | (uegtasuxea) (aconseurer) SAVE 500 [40 L Microwave Oven with Glass Mirror “eee... || SAWE1000 ON CREDIT SAVE 500 SERCH me R706 Tata a Pe nattoe R254 7 kg Front Loader ‘Washing Machine (wyrroTsoro8sFA) Technology (wasstsz605¥iFA) teenno eet SAVE 2000 SAVE 4000 i | | ON CREDIT - 'B kg Front Loader Washing Machine SAVE 3000 TOTAL REPAYABLE = @2125% Ree SAVENSOO

Latest specials

SAMSUNG SAVE7000, SAVE 9000 ON CREDIT 32 L Electronic Soto 32 L Electronic Soto Microwave Oven Microwave Oven | (uegtasuxea) (aconseurer) SAVE 500 [40 L Microwave Oven with Glass Mirror “eee... || SAWE1000 ON CREDIT SAVE 500 SERCH me R706 Tata a Pe nattoe R254 7 kg Front Loader ‘Washing Machine (wyrroTsoro8sFA) Technology (wasstsz605¥iFA) teenno eet SAVE 2000 SAVE 4000 i | | ON CREDIT - 'B kg Front Loader Washing Machine SAVE 3000 TOTAL REPAYABLE = @2125% Ree SAVENSOO

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