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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 23.08 to 03.10 - Page nb 7

Special Builders Warehouse 23.08.2022 - 03.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

ro) Hae saamuecce designhouse’ - we . Q fous 1 cr C Mm Delmas i y ’ , (€206-3) Cup & nane Cord Lights ane Available in gold, rose gold, copper, black, stainless steel & matt chrome (644561; 644572: "235. 644574; 644568; 644583) LED Arabic Filament Light —*559 £27 fitting: 8 W (720729) LED Dimple Filament Light —*569_ E27 fitting; 4 W (720741) x ois Lo Ei iese ancl 2 fa Tare Cig Se PE ED) ls Dy keterulasunits DH Terrazzo Pendant Light Dr Teer BEL (e ello) Li nrL ee @ Terracotta R425 (766042) | 9 PADOVA relist) Se ery peers e niet) i ascii) HK Muhu Side Table 365 mm. x x 640 mm; Ey DH Smokey Glass Pendant Light eet de PRC ie igure la alli s Cetera) DH Ceramic Lamp White R729 (766039) 7 | DH Wooden Table Lamp eae) Ey Metal & Glass Lamp Lt Mela 4 W 400 Lumen Amber Filament Light £27 fitting R9S (649128) 7 W 806 Lumen Amber Filament Li £27 fitting R19 (649134) Geers a ea eI Laer oy o DH Amber Glass Lamp it Ree Be inspired by the wide variety of decorative and functional lighting available online or in-store. Get to Builders. Get it done. id in South Aftica from 23 Aug Page 7 of 16

Latest specials

ro) Hae saamuecce designhouse’ - we . Q fous 1 cr C Mm Delmas i y ’ , (€206-3) Cup & nane Cord Lights ane Available in gold, rose gold, copper, black, stainless steel & matt chrome (644561; 644572: "235. 644574; 644568; 644583) LED Arabic Filament Light —*559 £27 fitting: 8 W (720729) LED Dimple Filament Light —*569_ E27 fitting; 4 W (720741) x ois Lo Ei iese ancl 2 fa Tare Cig Se PE ED) ls Dy keterulasunits DH Terrazzo Pendant Light Dr Teer BEL (e ello) Li nrL ee @ Terracotta R425 (766042) | 9 PADOVA relist) Se ery peers e niet) i ascii) HK Muhu Side Table 365 mm. x x 640 mm; Ey DH Smokey Glass Pendant Light eet de PRC ie igure la alli s Cetera) DH Ceramic Lamp White R729 (766039) 7 | DH Wooden Table Lamp eae) Ey Metal & Glass Lamp Lt Mela 4 W 400 Lumen Amber Filament Light £27 fitting R9S (649128) 7 W 806 Lumen Amber Filament Li £27 fitting R19 (649134) Geers a ea eI Laer oy o DH Amber Glass Lamp it Ree Be inspired by the wide variety of decorative and functional lighting available online or in-store. Get to Builders. Get it done. id in South Aftica from 23 Aug Page 7 of 16

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