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Current special Lewis Stores - Valid from 08.07 to 12.08 - Page nb 8

Special Lewis Stores 08.07.2024 - 12.08.2024

Products in this catalogue

STAND A CHANCE TO WIN ) USE YOUR PHONE TO SCAN THIS QR CODE, AND ENTER OUR COMPETITION TO WIN A LIMITED EDITION, LEWIS BRANDED GIFT. is el eae eAU ea or ssa 2) eee RTROPHYA . ISHELBY§ ERTROPHY, : 13: 7,CM|BED)SEi¢ Ree eee a [BED)SEis TERMS: N$526 X24 DEPOSIT: N$800 Prenrrry riers Prat Te ees ray WHILE STOCKS LAST —::;,, os Senge Burt reer trees neaCM Gepsar ™* SY Corse y iii sry ae ss i f cS N7A9922 BOSTUREIGRERIER NSS) HARRIER}52CM x 152 MBE D)SE gu mererrnt Ser ceDIseT ee a rare 39199925) putounons Re scuIsen Ror berr ra cia) INCLUDES ALUCOSTS ‘You have the right to choose whether or not you wish to select any of the optional inswrance products on offer in store: Dear customer A Oey A A: A TU A Oya Chi Pa aa PGE SS ee OR PEAR ero A Y EXTENDED WARRANTY ¥ MASTERGUARD Hts h tf Cee ey Pg ptt beeper apa nt mab teer igh weerlonte pened aameaitiaa it’s your choice aaa rcs Spt tecee tt an he al CD onrenesr nave 18.40%.

Latest specials

STAND A CHANCE TO WIN ) USE YOUR PHONE TO SCAN THIS QR CODE, AND ENTER OUR COMPETITION TO WIN A LIMITED EDITION, LEWIS BRANDED GIFT. is el eae eAU ea or ssa 2) eee RTROPHYA . ISHELBY§ ERTROPHY, : 13: 7,CM|BED)SEi¢ Ree eee a [BED)SEis TERMS: N$526 X24 DEPOSIT: N$800 Prenrrry riers Prat Te ees ray WHILE STOCKS LAST —::;,, os Senge Burt reer trees neaCM Gepsar ™* SY Corse y iii sry ae ss i f cS N7A9922 BOSTUREIGRERIER NSS) HARRIER}52CM x 152 MBE D)SE gu mererrnt Ser ceDIseT ee a rare 39199925) putounons Re scuIsen Ror berr ra cia) INCLUDES ALUCOSTS ‘You have the right to choose whether or not you wish to select any of the optional inswrance products on offer in store: Dear customer A Oey A A: A TU A Oya Chi Pa aa PGE SS ee OR PEAR ero A Y EXTENDED WARRANTY ¥ MASTERGUARD Hts h tf Cee ey Pg ptt beeper apa nt mab teer igh weerlonte pened aameaitiaa it’s your choice aaa rcs Spt tecee tt an he al CD onrenesr nave 18.40%.

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