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Current special President Hyper - Back to School - Valid from 13.12 to 02.01 - Page nb 1

Special President Hyper 13.12.2022 - 02.01.2023

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a reed pees cr} MK cde rr Coe td Nar Blue 3s (901932), Perera) trace) ARI rors coor preset pene et Perea oe wen) (0334) Mh fib i peas: Sa meee ore) Peieery 7 ry (ons) reer) Cer (emer a} Bosti ae ‘4 - at = e Pan Bost ceo Corey rash hater pens Far m7 SO a fen) oe) pera ee sae ti Sed co ee eho y ey : PTT Tl tr eC Poe = iu) oe rn) ooeoc™ morta oo Cee een ec AN) ey oo eee “Aavire 384pagee Avie) LD eS) Erna 42.99 KRUGERSDORP: President gues Corner Market & Pretoria Streets, Krugersdorp, 1739 / GPS Coordinat Like us on FOCHVILLE Pre : Corner Dorp & Park Streets, aria zis / GPS Coordinates: facobonk:pomipresisentyper VAAL; President Square: Comer Playfair Boulevard & Ascot on Vaal, Vereenigi [ Trading Hours: nite to cea ven omnia ee ee en Holiday's @am to Spm 1 / GPS Coordinates: $26’ a 7 a 1£27°53'10.24" Te Offers valid from Tuesday 13 December 2022 till Monday 2 January 2023 - Prices valid while stocks last - Errors & Omissions excepted Cea roel er Fai Cea Peres) ee ee sree "46°33" / Tel: 011 951 3200 / Tel: 018 771 6300 95 4500

Latest specials

a reed pees cr} MK cde rr Coe td Nar Blue 3s (901932), Perera) trace) ARI rors coor preset pene et Perea oe wen) (0334) Mh fib i peas: Sa meee ore) Peieery 7 ry (ons) reer) Cer (emer a} Bosti ae ‘4 - at = e Pan Bost ceo Corey rash hater pens Far m7 SO a fen) oe) pera ee sae ti Sed co ee eho y ey : PTT Tl tr eC Poe = iu) oe rn) ooeoc™ morta oo Cee een ec AN) ey oo eee “Aavire 384pagee Avie) LD eS) Erna 42.99 KRUGERSDORP: President gues Corner Market & Pretoria Streets, Krugersdorp, 1739 / GPS Coordinat Like us on FOCHVILLE Pre : Corner Dorp & Park Streets, aria zis / GPS Coordinates: facobonk:pomipresisentyper VAAL; President Square: Comer Playfair Boulevard & Ascot on Vaal, Vereenigi [ Trading Hours: nite to cea ven omnia ee ee en Holiday's @am to Spm 1 / GPS Coordinates: $26’ a 7 a 1£27°53'10.24" Te Offers valid from Tuesday 13 December 2022 till Monday 2 January 2023 - Prices valid while stocks last - Errors & Omissions excepted Cea roel er Fai Cea Peres) ee ee sree "46°33" / Tel: 011 951 3200 / Tel: 018 771 6300 95 4500

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