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Current special Pick n Pay - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 06.12 to 11.12 - Page nb 2

Special Pick n Pay 06.12.2022 - 11.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

We guarantee great quality produce \ "Packed w with taste and nutritional = wee: : PoP TopRedor : ef \ Sepa : » Pineapples ren Se aeatealeee Sar Bae OTT | cientpace - Fi asda a pia scars - pene PnP All Purpose Potatoes 3kg, Red Onions t eer bin sespnttraly ‘Sweetcorn Cbletts 7009, Bulk Green Peppers 8009, Gem Squash 2kg or Sweet Potato .5kg 1 We have perfected our Bi methods and recipes to create “= UJ breads and bakes with 4 enhanced texture and flavour (© Everyday Exceptional Savings #y_vaune-moecanze SUNMEMOEE

Latest specials

We guarantee great quality produce \ "Packed w with taste and nutritional = wee: : PoP TopRedor : ef \ Sepa : » Pineapples ren Se aeatealeee Sar Bae OTT | cientpace - Fi asda a pia scars - pene PnP All Purpose Potatoes 3kg, Red Onions t eer bin sespnttraly ‘Sweetcorn Cbletts 7009, Bulk Green Peppers 8009, Gem Squash 2kg or Sweet Potato .5kg 1 We have perfected our Bi methods and recipes to create “= UJ breads and bakes with 4 enhanced texture and flavour (© Everyday Exceptional Savings #y_vaune-moecanze SUNMEMOEE

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