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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

F2599 £3199 Deposit £260 Deposit £300 £11930 Mths £19 30 Month, Total Payable £3309 Total Payable £4059, at 26% at20% Deco Coffee Table Deco TV Stand Wak Deposit E680 280 x30 Menthe Teta Payable £8529, at 24% 4-Piece Hamilton Wall Unit * Audiovisual ‘equipment and accessories not included Pees) natch PLL a i E 4-Piece Trojan Lounge Suite 15899 < Atemennnstretted ID Deposit 200. E560 30 Months r Total Pyabe £10528 24 et ¥ 3-Piece Napoli | Lounge Suite < Scatter cushions and accessories not included Be. Deposit £440. E180 x30 Ment. Teta Payale 5499, at 20% nt 7-Piece Baltimore Dinette Set * Accessories not included Depost E880 Depont £320, Depont £240 £26030 Mont 19930 Mert tb 30 Months Total Payathe £8529 Total Payable £4059 Teal Payable E3000 at 24% ht at 245 t at 2% ft - 3-Piece Miami Homestead Double Bunk 107em Kitchen Scheme * Mattresses, bedding Dawson Robe * Accessories and accessories not included not included Deposit £590 Depot E1080 E28 «30 Month, 449 «30 Mets Total Pyabi £7329 Total Payatle £13329, at20% et 5 2am 2-Piece Sophia 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included * Base set, bedding and accessories not included 7 seh) ET ALSO Sophia Maxi } Chest of Orawers ee E2199, Save E500 "SAVE 300 E119! cca Stem Firm Support E1699 omen reer SL eed [ aac an Leet) ee oe ae eager : Eeeveetcnen ny eae) Included in a 10-Year : ea ue ad eA Cree) Queen Pole Pcl Ae 152cm Rest Zone Base Sot 52cm Symphony Base Set. 17cm £3899, Save E1300 +'1-Year Guarantee Included in a +'1-Year Guarantee Included in a 37cm egego, Save £1300 10-Year Service Warranty Dros E100. 10-Year Service Warranty 5 Deposit £470. tb 30 Months E20 30 Months 3 Tox Poyable E5859 eat Pan C000 RESTONIC 26% it at 2S — BUY PLANT-A-TREE WIN El Ce ee elke So oe Ea nt CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 8861 or 0861 11 32 13 IEEE cae een ors Prices advertised are applicable within eSwatini ony Al Terms include deposit, VAT and finance charges, but exclude insurance and delivery charges, unless otherwise stated. Al products indicated in litres are in net value. Bring your ID, proof of residence (not oder than three months) and three months’ latest payslips to ensue rapd response to your credit application. Lay-by available on selected stock Enquie in-store for more details. Standard Terms and Conditions apply. Should you find any item cheaper at anyother retailer, provide a quote orcurent catalogue and we wil refund the ctference plus S% ofthe difference. Tiss conditional on the day ofthe purchase from OK Furniture and the period for which the price from OK Furniture s valid for and nt thereafter. This offer exces Store Openings, Clearances and Lited Quantity offers. Products are available frm all branches, however. de to our vast range, all products may not necessary be on spay in all stores. Accessories displayed are ll displayed as extras and are not included inthe advertised price. Should an eror occur or incomplete information be printed inthis advertisement, we wll display a notice in-store with al the correct details. BRANCHES: EZULWINE (00268) 2416 2432, MANZINK: (00268) 2505 5432/68, MANZINI 2: (00268) 2505 3476/3461, MATATA: (00268) 2364 6501/2, MBABANE: (00268) | FURNITURE | SWSWOKF69 ‘2404 9382/9130, NHLANGANO: (00268) 2207 9806, PIGGS PEAK: (00268) 2437 3030, SITEKE: (00288) 2343 5971/2, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 455 7000. No Dealers allowed. EROE

Latest specials

F2599 £3199 Deposit £260 Deposit £300 £11930 Mths £19 30 Month, Total Payable £3309 Total Payable £4059, at 26% at20% Deco Coffee Table Deco TV Stand Wak Deposit E680 280 x30 Menthe Teta Payable £8529, at 24% 4-Piece Hamilton Wall Unit * Audiovisual ‘equipment and accessories not included Pees) natch PLL a i E 4-Piece Trojan Lounge Suite 15899 < Atemennnstretted ID Deposit 200. E560 30 Months r Total Pyabe £10528 24 et ¥ 3-Piece Napoli | Lounge Suite < Scatter cushions and accessories not included Be. Deposit £440. E180 x30 Ment. Teta Payale 5499, at 20% nt 7-Piece Baltimore Dinette Set * Accessories not included Depost E880 Depont £320, Depont £240 £26030 Mont 19930 Mert tb 30 Months Total Payathe £8529 Total Payable £4059 Teal Payable E3000 at 24% ht at 245 t at 2% ft - 3-Piece Miami Homestead Double Bunk 107em Kitchen Scheme * Mattresses, bedding Dawson Robe * Accessories and accessories not included not included Deposit £590 Depot E1080 E28 «30 Month, 449 «30 Mets Total Pyabi £7329 Total Payatle £13329, at20% et 5 2am 2-Piece Sophia 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included * Base set, bedding and accessories not included 7 seh) ET ALSO Sophia Maxi } Chest of Orawers ee E2199, Save E500 "SAVE 300 E119! cca Stem Firm Support E1699 omen reer SL eed [ aac an Leet) ee oe ae eager : Eeeveetcnen ny eae) Included in a 10-Year : ea ue ad eA Cree) Queen Pole Pcl Ae 152cm Rest Zone Base Sot 52cm Symphony Base Set. 17cm £3899, Save E1300 +'1-Year Guarantee Included in a +'1-Year Guarantee Included in a 37cm egego, Save £1300 10-Year Service Warranty Dros E100. 10-Year Service Warranty 5 Deposit £470. tb 30 Months E20 30 Months 3 Tox Poyable E5859 eat Pan C000 RESTONIC 26% it at 2S — BUY PLANT-A-TREE WIN El Ce ee elke So oe Ea nt CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 8861 or 0861 11 32 13 IEEE cae een ors Prices advertised are applicable within eSwatini ony Al Terms include deposit, VAT and finance charges, but exclude insurance and delivery charges, unless otherwise stated. Al products indicated in litres are in net value. Bring your ID, proof of residence (not oder than three months) and three months’ latest payslips to ensue rapd response to your credit application. Lay-by available on selected stock Enquie in-store for more details. Standard Terms and Conditions apply. Should you find any item cheaper at anyother retailer, provide a quote orcurent catalogue and we wil refund the ctference plus S% ofthe difference. Tiss conditional on the day ofthe purchase from OK Furniture and the period for which the price from OK Furniture s valid for and nt thereafter. This offer exces Store Openings, Clearances and Lited Quantity offers. Products are available frm all branches, however. de to our vast range, all products may not necessary be on spay in all stores. Accessories displayed are ll displayed as extras and are not included inthe advertised price. Should an eror occur or incomplete information be printed inthis advertisement, we wll display a notice in-store with al the correct details. BRANCHES: EZULWINE (00268) 2416 2432, MANZINK: (00268) 2505 5432/68, MANZINI 2: (00268) 2505 3476/3461, MATATA: (00268) 2364 6501/2, MBABANE: (00268) | FURNITURE | SWSWOKF69 ‘2404 9382/9130, NHLANGANO: (00268) 2207 9806, PIGGS PEAK: (00268) 2437 3030, SITEKE: (00288) 2343 5971/2, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 455 7000. No Dealers allowed. EROE

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