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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 25.08 to 17.09 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 25.08.2022 - 17.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

a UICK Get approved for our lowest credit instalment terms in under 10 minutes Satin [once Enquire in-store or SMS “myeredit” along with your name, surname BÂź Bottom- CAT mG Ate Ms) ees oes = Freezer Fridge with BD water Bf Dispenser Dados, OB 2322 Years TIM Hisense Boo Oi ais Titanium-Silver zeae” — R29O9 Top srrezer R2999 R2999 R3399 ‘Deposit R300. idge ‘Deposit R300. epost R300. ‘Deposit R340. k Rabi soMenbe Ho2OTTS/ reba Si bts rts raat Sas fasta helio eostTs ees, at sa oevear zane task naan Guarantee (oer Oo (EF) DEFY) @ (EFY) Metalic 4;Burner Gas Black 4-Plato a st Freezer jove able See rs Boo s0 1 *3-Year 1 — *3+2 Years Warranty * Contents (with registration) fot included } Warranty + 3Vear Warranty ece faa a peney = | ENERGY arin ENERGY | RATING ic Asati | Bi soomn a eee W 479mm } W 751mm Bl esoren eae | Wo vase - bo Beer Simiine more BUSOO, sestee ees R2999 riscomer R999 RQQ9 now Bix oiaie OHDS9 Rie stme OVER Pee Deoat tal & Contents not included 22S ht nZoee *3-Year Tons Pepi % _ - ee eee © 2-Year Warranty k Metallic Mirror Microwave Oven 1170. H36MOMMI : Pees Sater Goarante : ee . soe 7 Z 7 > = RggÂź? R149" R199°° R999 2 Pixeware Plreware ee Risen, huto Kettle ocean Ker WAHL = PAKB34/ PSI-160. HomePro Vogue Paeeaw Peco Heinaieer ie 4-Slice Sandwich RAQQ Frese SSe"s000 mg Ne) = TNS 1 4 =) 1207 [ol ere ere ee Cerner tt

Latest specials

a UICK Get approved for our lowest credit instalment terms in under 10 minutes Satin [once Enquire in-store or SMS “myeredit” along with your name, surname BÂź Bottom- CAT mG Ate Ms) ees oes = Freezer Fridge with BD water Bf Dispenser Dados, OB 2322 Years TIM Hisense Boo Oi ais Titanium-Silver zeae” — R29O9 Top srrezer R2999 R2999 R3399 ‘Deposit R300. idge ‘Deposit R300. epost R300. ‘Deposit R340. k Rabi soMenbe Ho2OTTS/ reba Si bts rts raat Sas fasta helio eostTs ees, at sa oevear zane task naan Guarantee (oer Oo (EF) DEFY) @ (EFY) Metalic 4;Burner Gas Black 4-Plato a st Freezer jove able See rs Boo s0 1 *3-Year 1 — *3+2 Years Warranty * Contents (with registration) fot included } Warranty + 3Vear Warranty ece faa a peney = | ENERGY arin ENERGY | RATING ic Asati | Bi soomn a eee W 479mm } W 751mm Bl esoren eae | Wo vase - bo Beer Simiine more BUSOO, sestee ees R2999 riscomer R999 RQQ9 now Bix oiaie OHDS9 Rie stme OVER Pee Deoat tal & Contents not included 22S ht nZoee *3-Year Tons Pepi % _ - ee eee © 2-Year Warranty k Metallic Mirror Microwave Oven 1170. H36MOMMI : Pees Sater Goarante : ee . soe 7 Z 7 > = RggÂź? R149" R199°° R999 2 Pixeware Plreware ee Risen, huto Kettle ocean Ker WAHL = PAKB34/ PSI-160. HomePro Vogue Paeeaw Peco Heinaieer ie 4-Slice Sandwich RAQQ Frese SSe"s000 mg Ne) = TNS 1 4 =) 1207 [ol ere ere ee Cerner tt

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