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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Hisense f Titanium ity Sac) et) ele. ee ena) ENC Es H370BIT-WD ¢ 4-Year Guarantee P2999 P129 x 30 Months. Total Payable P3789 Top-Freezer o > — ENERGY AXratine H1710mm }W 540mm D 587mm wae Chest ’ SAVE kGas70/2 [ P400 ° 2-Year Guarantee eo we 7 A ENERGY Axratine H 874mm W 175mm D_ 680mm zt - SAVE 350 SAVE °100 Deposit P250 Deposit P240. 109 30 Months WORLD P109 x 30 Months Total Payable P3189 CUPDEAL Total Payable P3069 at 24% Int t at 24% Int. . a Hi White Chest Titanium-Silver Freezer ACENERGY Bar Fridge H125CF SA RATING, H125RTS ° 2-Year ° 2-Year Guarantee Guarantee SAVE °300 SAVE °500 Deposit P400. Deposit P950. P169 x 30 Months P39 x 30 Months. Total Payable P4989 Total Payable P11619 at 24% Int DEFY, Satin-Metallic Satin-Metallic Bottom-Freezer Side-by-Side Fridge with Freezer-Fridge Water Dispenser DFF436 DAC449 © 34+ 2 Years (with °3+2 Years registration) Warranty (with registration) Warranty _ A ENERGY FPARATING H 1785mm W 910mm D 700mm

Latest specials

Hisense f Titanium ity Sac) et) ele. ee ena) ENC Es H370BIT-WD ¢ 4-Year Guarantee P2999 P129 x 30 Months. Total Payable P3789 Top-Freezer o > — ENERGY AXratine H1710mm }W 540mm D 587mm wae Chest ’ SAVE kGas70/2 [ P400 ° 2-Year Guarantee eo we 7 A ENERGY Axratine H 874mm W 175mm D_ 680mm zt - SAVE 350 SAVE °100 Deposit P250 Deposit P240. 109 30 Months WORLD P109 x 30 Months Total Payable P3189 CUPDEAL Total Payable P3069 at 24% Int t at 24% Int. . a Hi White Chest Titanium-Silver Freezer ACENERGY Bar Fridge H125CF SA RATING, H125RTS ° 2-Year ° 2-Year Guarantee Guarantee SAVE °300 SAVE °500 Deposit P400. Deposit P950. P169 x 30 Months P39 x 30 Months. Total Payable P4989 Total Payable P11619 at 24% Int DEFY, Satin-Metallic Satin-Metallic Bottom-Freezer Side-by-Side Fridge with Freezer-Fridge Water Dispenser DFF436 DAC449 © 34+ 2 Years (with °3+2 Years registration) Warranty (with registration) Warranty _ A ENERGY FPARATING H 1785mm W 910mm D 700mm

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