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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 21.11 to 04.12 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 21.11.2022 - 04.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

— eS SAVE "1000 Deposit ooo. 2-Piece Duchess Bedroom Suite SAVE "500 fre cre 3-Piece Mleoke Sectoon Suite hanes : ene ¢ Base set, bedding an Months, ¢ Base set, bedding and M49 Teta gavableM6219 accessories not included Mg999 Rome N''% accessories not included M2999 M1299 i M1799 i Deposit M300. Deposit M130. Deposit M180. M129 x 30 Months. M59 x 30 Months. M79 x 30 Months. Total Payable M3819 Total Payable M1779 Total Payable M2379 at 24% Int. at 24% Int. at 24% Int. 120cm Orlando Robe v “ vitafoam vitafoam 91cm Firm 137cm Firm ‘ Support Support Y> . Foam Mattress Foam Mattress a i | / -4i BASE SETS : ZI _ aS" Deposit M600. 152cm Mkuze M249 x 30 Months. Pillow-Top Total Payable M7449 E M5999 at 24% Int. Base Set _/ SAVE "1699 C5000 SAVE 2349 (50): SAVE 2849 FSCS MG999 _ 1:2cm Nature's M79Q9Q_ 183cm Health Rest Base Set MQQ99__122cm Chiro-Zone Base Set Rest Base Set 1-Year Guarantee Included ¢ 2-Year Guarantee Included Deposit MTOM. 4, ° 1-Year Guarantee Deposit MEOO. 4s, _ ina 10-Year Service Warranty Deposit W1000. in a 10-Year Service Warranty Total Payable Mg649 Included ina10-Year Total M9849 ALSO AVAILABLE Total Payable M12249 at 24% Int. Service Warranty 91cm Base Set 07cm Base Set ALSO AVAILABLE M4499, Save M999 M4999, Save M1049 152cm Base Set 137cm Base Set 152cm Base Set M7999, Save M1699 M5799, Save M1349 M6299, Save M1399 Ei ee ee cg OUSTOMER CARE LE 006100 or ns 11213 INTENT TEN eR 8 § Pcs atvertsed are apical witin Lesotho oy Terms incu depot, VAT ard france charges, but exclude sence and delve charges, ress terse tated. xing you 1D ad atest paylip orbark statement © to ensure rapid response to your ced application. Lay-by available on selected stock. Enquire in-store for more details. Standard Terms and Conditions apply, Al products indicated in itres ae in net value. Should yu find any <item cheaper at any oer real, provde a qute or curent catalogue and we wl refund the bs sis on he day ofthe uriture andthe perio for which the hea ober real, : il refured the difference plus 5% of the dtlerence This ts condtonal en the day of ‘tom OK Furiture and the period fr wich the price from OK Future i vad fr, and not thereafter, This offer excludes Store Openings, Clearances and Limited Quantty offers. Products ae avalabe from all branches, however, de to our vast range, al products may not 1 Pecessaiy be on display inal stores, Acoescones displayed areal displayed as extras and are nok included in the advertised pice. Buy before 30 November 202 and aly start paying your fst nstaimerton + February $i buy tetere 24 decom 2022 and oni stat paying you fet intent on 1 March 2023. Shu ner ocax ney cat b pried bi adetesnet we wl daly ance sre wit al comet FT TTT TOT elas. BRANCHES: BUTHA BUTHE: (00266) 2246 1667, LERIBE: 00266) 2240 0474, MAPUTSOE: (00266) 2243 0564, MASERU: (00266) 2242 4068, MASERU MALL: (00268) 2232 0353, MAFETENG: (00286) 2270 0360, 42 TEYATEYANENG: (00266) 2250 0652, SEFIKA: (00266) 2232 7275, MOHALE’S HOEK: (00266) 5250008 1/82/83, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000. No Dealers allowed. E&OE

Latest specials

— eS SAVE "1000 Deposit ooo. 2-Piece Duchess Bedroom Suite SAVE "500 fre cre 3-Piece Mleoke Sectoon Suite hanes : ene ¢ Base set, bedding an Months, ¢ Base set, bedding and M49 Teta gavableM6219 accessories not included Mg999 Rome N''% accessories not included M2999 M1299 i M1799 i Deposit M300. Deposit M130. Deposit M180. M129 x 30 Months. M59 x 30 Months. M79 x 30 Months. Total Payable M3819 Total Payable M1779 Total Payable M2379 at 24% Int. at 24% Int. at 24% Int. 120cm Orlando Robe v “ vitafoam vitafoam 91cm Firm 137cm Firm ‘ Support Support Y> . Foam Mattress Foam Mattress a i | / -4i BASE SETS : ZI _ aS" Deposit M600. 152cm Mkuze M249 x 30 Months. Pillow-Top Total Payable M7449 E M5999 at 24% Int. Base Set _/ SAVE "1699 C5000 SAVE 2349 (50): SAVE 2849 FSCS MG999 _ 1:2cm Nature's M79Q9Q_ 183cm Health Rest Base Set MQQ99__122cm Chiro-Zone Base Set Rest Base Set 1-Year Guarantee Included ¢ 2-Year Guarantee Included Deposit MTOM. 4, ° 1-Year Guarantee Deposit MEOO. 4s, _ ina 10-Year Service Warranty Deposit W1000. in a 10-Year Service Warranty Total Payable Mg649 Included ina10-Year Total M9849 ALSO AVAILABLE Total Payable M12249 at 24% Int. Service Warranty 91cm Base Set 07cm Base Set ALSO AVAILABLE M4499, Save M999 M4999, Save M1049 152cm Base Set 137cm Base Set 152cm Base Set M7999, Save M1699 M5799, Save M1349 M6299, Save M1399 Ei ee ee cg OUSTOMER CARE LE 006100 or ns 11213 INTENT TEN eR 8 § Pcs atvertsed are apical witin Lesotho oy Terms incu depot, VAT ard france charges, but exclude sence and delve charges, ress terse tated. xing you 1D ad atest paylip orbark statement © to ensure rapid response to your ced application. Lay-by available on selected stock. Enquire in-store for more details. Standard Terms and Conditions apply, Al products indicated in itres ae in net value. Should yu find any <item cheaper at any oer real, provde a qute or curent catalogue and we wl refund the bs sis on he day ofthe uriture andthe perio for which the hea ober real, : il refured the difference plus 5% of the dtlerence This ts condtonal en the day of ‘tom OK Furiture and the period fr wich the price from OK Future i vad fr, and not thereafter, This offer excludes Store Openings, Clearances and Limited Quantty offers. Products ae avalabe from all branches, however, de to our vast range, al products may not 1 Pecessaiy be on display inal stores, Acoescones displayed areal displayed as extras and are nok included in the advertised pice. Buy before 30 November 202 and aly start paying your fst nstaimerton + February $i buy tetere 24 decom 2022 and oni stat paying you fet intent on 1 March 2023. Shu ner ocax ney cat b pried bi adetesnet we wl daly ance sre wit al comet FT TTT TOT elas. BRANCHES: BUTHA BUTHE: (00266) 2246 1667, LERIBE: 00266) 2240 0474, MAPUTSOE: (00266) 2243 0564, MASERU: (00266) 2242 4068, MASERU MALL: (00268) 2232 0353, MAFETENG: (00286) 2270 0360, 42 TEYATEYANENG: (00266) 2250 0652, SEFIKA: (00266) 2232 7275, MOHALE’S HOEK: (00266) 5250008 1/82/83, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000. No Dealers allowed. E&OE

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