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Current special OK Foods - Valid from 04.01 to 15.01 - Page nb 7

Special OK Foods 04.01.2023 - 15.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

tread B t Fritos Com Beacon Chips Asstd. Maynards ¥ FM 4's or Nik Naks or Allsorts Cheese Maize Prepacks Bokomo Weet-Bix Snack 5's Asstd. 75 9 Breakfast Biscuits Asstd. 5 x 40 g EACH Koo Baked Beans Koo Chakalaka or Mixed Koo Whole Kernel Com Pencor & in Tomato Sauce Vegetables Asstd or Creamstyle Sweetcorn fogexct Weoeace fog ean ee) ra 4 era a ee Teter SMOOTH chy JAM | ¥ ‘0 avr WIN Tl Crosse & Blackwell All Gold Mrs Ball's Chutney Mayonnaise Asstd. Tomato Sauce Asstd. 750 g EACH 700 mi EACH 450 g - 470 g EACH a = To Robertsons Spice Blends Refill Pack Meat Robertsons Rajah Tenderiser 100 9, Spice For Rice 89 9, Knorr Aromat Curry Powder Asst Barbecue 60 g, Chicken 84 g Steak & Chops Seasoning Asstd. 100 g EACH 80 g or Spice For Fish 80 g EACH 200 g Refill EACH — es Vr Aroe fits RY (cs eth Gat Shield Lux or Anti-Perspirant Litebuoy Roll-On for Men Soap or Women Asstd. Staytroe Maxi Sanitary Assia 50 mt Pads Asstd. 8's or ut) 10's PER PACK

Latest specials

tread B t Fritos Com Beacon Chips Asstd. Maynards ¥ FM 4's or Nik Naks or Allsorts Cheese Maize Prepacks Bokomo Weet-Bix Snack 5's Asstd. 75 9 Breakfast Biscuits Asstd. 5 x 40 g EACH Koo Baked Beans Koo Chakalaka or Mixed Koo Whole Kernel Com Pencor & in Tomato Sauce Vegetables Asstd or Creamstyle Sweetcorn fogexct Weoeace fog ean ee) ra 4 era a ee Teter SMOOTH chy JAM | ¥ ‘0 avr WIN Tl Crosse & Blackwell All Gold Mrs Ball's Chutney Mayonnaise Asstd. Tomato Sauce Asstd. 750 g EACH 700 mi EACH 450 g - 470 g EACH a = To Robertsons Spice Blends Refill Pack Meat Robertsons Rajah Tenderiser 100 9, Spice For Rice 89 9, Knorr Aromat Curry Powder Asst Barbecue 60 g, Chicken 84 g Steak & Chops Seasoning Asstd. 100 g EACH 80 g or Spice For Fish 80 g EACH 200 g Refill EACH — es Vr Aroe fits RY (cs eth Gat Shield Lux or Anti-Perspirant Litebuoy Roll-On for Men Soap or Women Asstd. Staytroe Maxi Sanitary Assia 50 mt Pads Asstd. 8's or ut) 10's PER PACK

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