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Current special OK Foods - Valid from 28.11 to 18.12 - Page nb 2

Special OK Foods 28.11.2022 - 18.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Comes Ina id’ Tie rely 2 free glasses 179% 134% 169%" 289° eae “e Wild Africa Pom aes Bog Co = ry a “ 139° " Red Square Triple Distilled Vodka EACH ‘Absolut Original or Flavoured Vodka Asstd, EACH an ee 199° John Bannermans Red Commando Brandy EACH ‘Seal Scotch Whisky EACH Pare 2 free Dr Tr ey Sally Williams Nougat Cream ~ Liqueur PERGIFTPACK 4 99 122501 Red Bull Energy Drink ‘Asst, PER PACK Tira er 2 free PEE SEC 13 DEW Nc Tullamore DEW. Triple Distilled Irish i Whiskey PER GIFTPACK a nfion sit 139% Stretton's Original London Dry, Triple Berry or Wild Berry Gin EACH a8 Ballantine's Finest Blended Scotch Whisky EACH 239% Paddy Irish Whiskey EACH Comes Ina id ts yoy GENTLEMAN JACK. Gentleman NG) Reg rey, 249% Beoteater Gin Asstd. EACH ae 24922 Johnnie Walker Red Label ‘Scotch Whisky EACH rast 2 free EE ae ss It = 49°... Fitch & Leedes Mixers Asstd. PER PACK Courvoisier VS Cognac EACH Not for Persons Under the Age of 18.Drink Responsibly.

Latest specials

Comes Ina id’ Tie rely 2 free glasses 179% 134% 169%" 289° eae “e Wild Africa Pom aes Bog Co = ry a “ 139° " Red Square Triple Distilled Vodka EACH ‘Absolut Original or Flavoured Vodka Asstd, EACH an ee 199° John Bannermans Red Commando Brandy EACH ‘Seal Scotch Whisky EACH Pare 2 free Dr Tr ey Sally Williams Nougat Cream ~ Liqueur PERGIFTPACK 4 99 122501 Red Bull Energy Drink ‘Asst, PER PACK Tira er 2 free PEE SEC 13 DEW Nc Tullamore DEW. Triple Distilled Irish i Whiskey PER GIFTPACK a nfion sit 139% Stretton's Original London Dry, Triple Berry or Wild Berry Gin EACH a8 Ballantine's Finest Blended Scotch Whisky EACH 239% Paddy Irish Whiskey EACH Comes Ina id ts yoy GENTLEMAN JACK. Gentleman NG) Reg rey, 249% Beoteater Gin Asstd. EACH ae 24922 Johnnie Walker Red Label ‘Scotch Whisky EACH rast 2 free EE ae ss It = 49°... Fitch & Leedes Mixers Asstd. PER PACK Courvoisier VS Cognac EACH Not for Persons Under the Age of 18.Drink Responsibly.

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