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Current special OK Foods - Valid from 15.12 to 25.12 - Page nb 1

Special OK Foods 15.12.2022 - 25.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

‘Spekko Long Grain - Koo Baked Beans Sunflower Oil Parboiled White Rice fy 4 in Tomato Sauce 2 Litre EACH 2kg EACH it > 410 g EACH Goca-coa No Sugar F | BD ssid’ Sprite | j } Zero, Stoney I ; } L f Zero'or Fanta ' i « Brookes Oros Squash YY zero Sot Orin oe le Nescaté Gold Mr Pasta Gencenyate ass PET 1209 Cappuccino Sticks Asst Pasta Shapes Asst 225 Ure 10's PER PACK 500 9 EAC — - r nt E a - = eS SS Y SSS 4 ee ‘i & y 7 i Tai .¢ |, J Fz : ae S FoLOny \ <a ae —~S<e —" pits . ee] 2 @ e — 7 N a : e e 9 C+ iS o> Stork ie an & Run eee i PD coun semen oy Z . “Arh te ‘ ) ‘ oe f k } mares 6 Daryaitcomy | Ol vomauttocnd cece sat | AID I tasertney eee & 730 q ~ 780 g EACH Fresh lee Cream Asstd Cheese Slices Asstd 40% Fat Spread Premium Polony Asstd {Getting Hl May Sint 2 tre Tub EACH 400 g EACH 11g Tub EACH 700 g~1 kg EACH Competition valid from 24 October to 27 December 2022. *2 000 bucks per month for a year. Ts & Cs on

Latest specials

‘Spekko Long Grain - Koo Baked Beans Sunflower Oil Parboiled White Rice fy 4 in Tomato Sauce 2 Litre EACH 2kg EACH it > 410 g EACH Goca-coa No Sugar F | BD ssid’ Sprite | j } Zero, Stoney I ; } L f Zero'or Fanta ' i « Brookes Oros Squash YY zero Sot Orin oe le Nescaté Gold Mr Pasta Gencenyate ass PET 1209 Cappuccino Sticks Asst Pasta Shapes Asst 225 Ure 10's PER PACK 500 9 EAC — - r nt E a - = eS SS Y SSS 4 ee ‘i & y 7 i Tai .¢ |, J Fz : ae S FoLOny \ <a ae —~S<e —" pits . ee] 2 @ e — 7 N a : e e 9 C+ iS o> Stork ie an & Run eee i PD coun semen oy Z . “Arh te ‘ ) ‘ oe f k } mares 6 Daryaitcomy | Ol vomauttocnd cece sat | AID I tasertney eee & 730 q ~ 780 g EACH Fresh lee Cream Asstd Cheese Slices Asstd 40% Fat Spread Premium Polony Asstd {Getting Hl May Sint 2 tre Tub EACH 400 g EACH 11g Tub EACH 700 g~1 kg EACH Competition valid from 24 October to 27 December 2022. *2 000 bucks per month for a year. Ts & Cs on

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