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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 11

Special MTN 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Customise your contract EE on EEE on Anytime Data Anytime Data poe 4 poly i 400SMSs Streaming 500MB Social 1GB Unlimited SMSs eerie Social 500MB Streaming ee International Calling R60 MTN-to-any network 25min °o MTN-to-any network SS eee e ze 3 Hello World 500MB Roaming Data Choose your device + Choose your value add Rage eae iPhone 13 Samsung iPhone 13 Pro 5G Enabled Galaxy Z Flip3 5G 5G Enabled Get more data — XS RAED mss ° B79 rms R719 owas R729 ome ° sonia ee eee Bee Reinet Get more of everything — S PBB9 once Q ®719 ic was PBECEImas @ 2GB + 100min 2022037 C7 00535 06 2022027 C1 03806 0G Al $863 ose 2022096 C7 02377 06 MIN and other local networks Get mega voice — XS. R719 orcs Q PBAD rriccQ — "9BOenccQ "999 ms © 2GB + 500min 2022037 61 00530 06 2022027 €7 03601 0 AI 2022049 ¢7 07020 0¢ 2022096 c1 0237206 fAnytimeDota—MiNandother local networics Enjoy Sky voice — Gold 30GB + 1600min ° L419 08 21549 M9 81759 M9 81769 9.8 tied tee 2022037 CT 00557 DG 2022027 CT 03828 DG AL 2022049 CT 07047 DG 2022096 CT 02399 DG local network: For these and more top deals, scan here. {RIN Fa Use Poe) we oppcobe io nlmted MIN o-MTN cal eration sled lone TN Sy Ser, yh Sky ol on My TNS Pati MyM Slo Ave ror 15/20/2023 ul acon MTN “This offer is open to custome: Spade orate WMT Sy Totmenew pions. etre esta ‘The cantomersSccountmust be that tke a contract on 24 ond 36-monthicaniaet plans Terms ‘ond Condition ol products and promotions, see py Si or via min, 11

Latest specials

Customise your contract EE on EEE on Anytime Data Anytime Data poe 4 poly i 400SMSs Streaming 500MB Social 1GB Unlimited SMSs eerie Social 500MB Streaming ee International Calling R60 MTN-to-any network 25min °o MTN-to-any network SS eee e ze 3 Hello World 500MB Roaming Data Choose your device + Choose your value add Rage eae iPhone 13 Samsung iPhone 13 Pro 5G Enabled Galaxy Z Flip3 5G 5G Enabled Get more data — XS RAED mss ° B79 rms R719 owas R729 ome ° sonia ee eee Bee Reinet Get more of everything — S PBB9 once Q ®719 ic was PBECEImas @ 2GB + 100min 2022037 C7 00535 06 2022027 C1 03806 0G Al $863 ose 2022096 C7 02377 06 MIN and other local networks Get mega voice — XS. R719 orcs Q PBAD rriccQ — "9BOenccQ "999 ms © 2GB + 500min 2022037 61 00530 06 2022027 €7 03601 0 AI 2022049 ¢7 07020 0¢ 2022096 c1 0237206 fAnytimeDota—MiNandother local networics Enjoy Sky voice — Gold 30GB + 1600min ° L419 08 21549 M9 81759 M9 81769 9.8 tied tee 2022037 CT 00557 DG 2022027 CT 03828 DG AL 2022049 CT 07047 DG 2022096 CT 02399 DG local network: For these and more top deals, scan here. {RIN Fa Use Poe) we oppcobe io nlmted MIN o-MTN cal eration sled lone TN Sy Ser, yh Sky ol on My TNS Pati MyM Slo Ave ror 15/20/2023 ul acon MTN “This offer is open to custome: Spade orate WMT Sy Totmenew pions. etre esta ‘The cantomersSccountmust be that tke a contract on 24 ond 36-monthicaniaet plans Terms ‘ond Condition ol products and promotions, see py Si or via min, 11

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