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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.01 to 08.02 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 19.01.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

NUTRIDAY DANONE SONNENDAL CLOVER Low Fat Smooth ae LANCEWOOD Full Cream Milk "| Krush Fruit Juice Yoghurt Cheese Loaf {All varints) (All variants) LANCEWOOD ee we ena) cong | Re bcabne ‘Sen ‘ DANONE PARMALAT ANG LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Steri Stumpie Flavoured LUNG (elo) Mozzarella Loat Processed Cheese Slices (All variants) Milk 22 e@& £225kg (All variants} it a2 FOG) KG) | YOG) i so oe | ae = pee : (Cheddar or Gouda} ik mul pod 900g D‘LITE CLOVER ESKORT BRITO’S 37% Fat Spread Tubs Mooi River Butter Salted ee ae French or Garlic Original 70% Fat Spread Bricks Mii Vg) 6) y Sunernesi =| Is RANBOW RAINBOW Frozen Chips Fish Fingers Chicken Livers Tul IQF Mixed Portions Row” Efe 9 — a ; 21% RAINBOW on ra vcs co > 32 ' t e* Sa f =< 32= RAINR@w 8 PIEMAN’S TODAY NEW ERA NEW ERA Bal Pies Puff Pastry Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs ked ff Pastry hick il a eee Cs Trees . ) oor eee Leer 85 circ) f ry | J os . K ~~: El | = : uJ \_ tg { quae a) | : ; es Bulk Beef Braai ? ” : pas ries ts he esas es 5 a Pons dee) elem ae 18. 04/2023 Mokro.Food_Menth End. CAPE Promotion vl rom Thursday 19 Jonvory 2023 to Wednesday 8 February 2023, TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card" to 311.44 | For store details it Tie alge dorend ong be radopp Slips ted iaion Nekoi decor Helo del ier ors ocr llr om os ok voor Int who gure he coe oto he hrc prod Fee i yop yoy bo pc. rcs ec xenares d edaly pry : ‘idly os we cre prc wl py he cl proc x rhe crane Moma Fan Sencs Ud an Ader Fcol Serie ove FS Ler No 76d by Mul 8 Fedele Fog Medi icc eros ond er "ool apo vhes cores core proton reread i 21 a 2 - ik pelle. apo pon: Ring, 2 mats bsgl on 36 ovred oy RCS opts Cr Lecone re cone! geen ttc pec vagy il be rate ot peck tre rem nue 15S WA ed bole dpe reel

Latest specials

NUTRIDAY DANONE SONNENDAL CLOVER Low Fat Smooth ae LANCEWOOD Full Cream Milk "| Krush Fruit Juice Yoghurt Cheese Loaf {All varints) (All variants) LANCEWOOD ee we ena) cong | Re bcabne ‘Sen ‘ DANONE PARMALAT ANG LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Steri Stumpie Flavoured LUNG (elo) Mozzarella Loat Processed Cheese Slices (All variants) Milk 22 e@& £225kg (All variants} it a2 FOG) KG) | YOG) i so oe | ae = pee : (Cheddar or Gouda} ik mul pod 900g D‘LITE CLOVER ESKORT BRITO’S 37% Fat Spread Tubs Mooi River Butter Salted ee ae French or Garlic Original 70% Fat Spread Bricks Mii Vg) 6) y Sunernesi =| Is RANBOW RAINBOW Frozen Chips Fish Fingers Chicken Livers Tul IQF Mixed Portions Row” Efe 9 — a ; 21% RAINBOW on ra vcs co > 32 ' t e* Sa f =< 32= RAINR@w 8 PIEMAN’S TODAY NEW ERA NEW ERA Bal Pies Puff Pastry Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs ked ff Pastry hick il a eee Cs Trees . ) oor eee Leer 85 circ) f ry | J os . K ~~: El | = : uJ \_ tg { quae a) | : ; es Bulk Beef Braai ? ” : pas ries ts he esas es 5 a Pons dee) elem ae 18. 04/2023 Mokro.Food_Menth End. CAPE Promotion vl rom Thursday 19 Jonvory 2023 to Wednesday 8 February 2023, TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card" to 311.44 | For store details it Tie alge dorend ong be radopp Slips ted iaion Nekoi decor Helo del ier ors ocr llr om os ok voor Int who gure he coe oto he hrc prod Fee i yop yoy bo pc. rcs ec xenares d edaly pry : ‘idly os we cre prc wl py he cl proc x rhe crane Moma Fan Sencs Ud an Ader Fcol Serie ove FS Ler No 76d by Mul 8 Fedele Fog Medi icc eros ond er "ool apo vhes cores core proton reread i 21 a 2 - ik pelle. apo pon: Ring, 2 mats bsgl on 36 ovred oy RCS opts Cr Lecone re cone! geen ttc pec vagy il be rate ot peck tre rem nue 15S WA ed bole dpe reel

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