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Current special Makro - Valid from 05.03 to 12.03 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 05.03.2023 - 12.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 20 SAVE 20 Pool Gobbler Pro GORILLA * Filter bog collects leaves and 23 m 3X Hose Pro _ dit gang nthe pool * Expands up to 3 times in length s Aeeacodt ol peal gas saddest Berle soy ah * Includes © guidance system (296039), V-Trainer * Low-impact and high-efficiency * Totol body vibration workout * Suitable for al fitness levels Coc GORILLA PED 15 m 3X Hose Pro + Heavy-duty 5000D polyester casing + Exponds up to 3 times in length * Quick connectors * Includes free 8-nozzle sprayer (387000) each Flip Racer Pro Six Wheeler Drift Mobile Multilingual Laptop + terete double ed cor 2 26H W-whed sunt car ©2A.GH remain col cat ; + Cortorthe most “ested ane 5 Slo" ct econ dng + Eg Arians ond 2 kd pop ‘amazing stunts '* 360° rotation + Double sided © 8 builtin songs inet os * Remote control with 30 m control distance 1+ 3 sets of wheels on each side «© Race mist exhoust with LED lights ae oa ares isos *teDlighs ieaesem, : teseseg) each each CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 PLC tan Cer a Oe anor ‘4. 11/2023 Makro/NA_MKNTGM627 Promotion valid from Sunday 5 March to Sunday 12 Morch 2023 “sen ner dowd nd ion he Cir opin eon, Mea hovel ck mr np! rend Se of gdh cis itn Me al ri it ye Sar scl met cpl rtd Wok dw resstnae efi ocerug fe ler cs tenon sock a i ior anal ook he: cg cn fa Sk She yond nrc heen wh ese fro cesta grrr Suro fhe rs Fomsab crn non crt la & eed ew dplay a rece tore wha he cores Sl pod, cy obertacd pce pe enw yen dyes buy fe beak cso crore repay perpen ore nce 15% Ni Poe cre rode nceuky own or ce wl opt he wad prado, per he eho nur Prac Senses Py on Aorta Pm eres Mor FS Cw No $9728 rei by ed 8 eel a peng eS. Mey cn cee ca fn ones pron rng nd ve 125. ape el rd, ‘Stoner promcionnurnce and here ot 21758 rian Rts ee wea che, Al pes or rice rd ory bn on oo chy Fens ec rong asd on eset SEE Rye opts Rokr, nested ond Sh Cage foward RCS oregon ect Pence Ses Ronde NOR S/F ca makro my

Latest specials

SAVE 20 SAVE 20 Pool Gobbler Pro GORILLA * Filter bog collects leaves and 23 m 3X Hose Pro _ dit gang nthe pool * Expands up to 3 times in length s Aeeacodt ol peal gas saddest Berle soy ah * Includes © guidance system (296039), V-Trainer * Low-impact and high-efficiency * Totol body vibration workout * Suitable for al fitness levels Coc GORILLA PED 15 m 3X Hose Pro + Heavy-duty 5000D polyester casing + Exponds up to 3 times in length * Quick connectors * Includes free 8-nozzle sprayer (387000) each Flip Racer Pro Six Wheeler Drift Mobile Multilingual Laptop + terete double ed cor 2 26H W-whed sunt car ©2A.GH remain col cat ; + Cortorthe most “ested ane 5 Slo" ct econ dng + Eg Arians ond 2 kd pop ‘amazing stunts '* 360° rotation + Double sided © 8 builtin songs inet os * Remote control with 30 m control distance 1+ 3 sets of wheels on each side «© Race mist exhoust with LED lights ae oa ares isos *teDlighs ieaesem, : teseseg) each each CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 PLC tan Cer a Oe anor ‘4. 11/2023 Makro/NA_MKNTGM627 Promotion valid from Sunday 5 March to Sunday 12 Morch 2023 “sen ner dowd nd ion he Cir opin eon, Mea hovel ck mr np! rend Se of gdh cis itn Me al ri it ye Sar scl met cpl rtd Wok dw resstnae efi ocerug fe ler cs tenon sock a i ior anal ook he: cg cn fa Sk She yond nrc heen wh ese fro cesta grrr Suro fhe rs Fomsab crn non crt la & eed ew dplay a rece tore wha he cores Sl pod, cy obertacd pce pe enw yen dyes buy fe beak cso crore repay perpen ore nce 15% Ni Poe cre rode nceuky own or ce wl opt he wad prado, per he eho nur Prac Senses Py on Aorta Pm eres Mor FS Cw No $9728 rei by ed 8 eel a peng eS. Mey cn cee ca fn ones pron rng nd ve 125. ape el rd, ‘Stoner promcionnurnce and here ot 21758 rian Rts ee wea che, Al pes or rice rd ory bn on oo chy Fens ec rong asd on eset SEE Rye opts Rokr, nested ond Sh Cage foward RCS oregon ect Pence Ses Ronde NOR S/F ca makro my

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