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Current special Makro - Valid from 05.01 to 18.01 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 05.01.2023 - 18.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

CLOVER MARVELLO ot Tropika Dairy Blend aa [eel 70% Fat Spread pm (Alvarion) Cheese Loaf Original ARVELY 00 70 ; ‘CLOVER MEADOWLAND: BONNITA CLOVER Super M = | Classique Choice Processed Cheese Flavoured . JM Topping Butter Slices ——— Long Life (a) 5008 tatters) Mil Ua eins rm EE 00 : : i ard rl ‘ ‘ INKOMAZL = NUTRIDAY ESKORT RAINBOW "nsw Full Cream mm | Low Fat ‘Smoked or Braai ea Maas Smooth Red Viennas Portions (Ger esse — 20 Yoghurt Vg = NO VAT (All variants) (Cheddar or Gouda) £2.25 kg STAND A CHANCE TO WIN’ YOUR SHARE OF R500 000 IN SOUTH AFRICAN ADVENTURES ECONO NESTLE or GOLD CROSS Pilchards in Tomato Be B= ine Condensed Milk = a Sauce a3 iPilenene tel eM eM Lure Lote ts) may NO VAT or Nea Se 6 ae 24 oe iia KNORROX or ay << GLEN NESTLE ice Refl Stock Cubes js bias A Tagless memes | Cromore Coffee and Tea peas ros Bi ‘ fhe Redes sien.) 4 : ees ees a = . | matt Cr Oe Dor ae 25 \ 5 — _ ~ 00 e a 25, u P aa : I 4 t ‘ ican — SE rw laid | Ser, YUM YUM PURITY ™@ | BOKOMO Peanut Pureed Baby Food Corn Flakes Butter (all variants) cu? _ (All variants) 8 r > 4 25 00 » 7) Any 3 RASHIDA @¢ R120 1) Oval Tub ic Glee ear 4 Size: 50¢ ad aac) oo =! —— / Honeycomb Microfibre Wonder 2) Oval Tub ONE FRIMAR ic port 4 Deal Ppa nas anssa wan ht Plastic Hangers 391560; 391563), (209591), S (445988; 445990; 446029) 3 2/2023 Mokro. Food. Mid Month. CAPE Valid rom 05/01/2023 - 18/01/2023 makro #

Latest specials

CLOVER MARVELLO ot Tropika Dairy Blend aa [eel 70% Fat Spread pm (Alvarion) Cheese Loaf Original ARVELY 00 70 ; ‘CLOVER MEADOWLAND: BONNITA CLOVER Super M = | Classique Choice Processed Cheese Flavoured . JM Topping Butter Slices ——— Long Life (a) 5008 tatters) Mil Ua eins rm EE 00 : : i ard rl ‘ ‘ INKOMAZL = NUTRIDAY ESKORT RAINBOW "nsw Full Cream mm | Low Fat ‘Smoked or Braai ea Maas Smooth Red Viennas Portions (Ger esse — 20 Yoghurt Vg = NO VAT (All variants) (Cheddar or Gouda) £2.25 kg STAND A CHANCE TO WIN’ YOUR SHARE OF R500 000 IN SOUTH AFRICAN ADVENTURES ECONO NESTLE or GOLD CROSS Pilchards in Tomato Be B= ine Condensed Milk = a Sauce a3 iPilenene tel eM eM Lure Lote ts) may NO VAT or Nea Se 6 ae 24 oe iia KNORROX or ay << GLEN NESTLE ice Refl Stock Cubes js bias A Tagless memes | Cromore Coffee and Tea peas ros Bi ‘ fhe Redes sien.) 4 : ees ees a = . | matt Cr Oe Dor ae 25 \ 5 — _ ~ 00 e a 25, u P aa : I 4 t ‘ ican — SE rw laid | Ser, YUM YUM PURITY ™@ | BOKOMO Peanut Pureed Baby Food Corn Flakes Butter (all variants) cu? _ (All variants) 8 r > 4 25 00 » 7) Any 3 RASHIDA @¢ R120 1) Oval Tub ic Glee ear 4 Size: 50¢ ad aac) oo =! —— / Honeycomb Microfibre Wonder 2) Oval Tub ONE FRIMAR ic port 4 Deal Ppa nas anssa wan ht Plastic Hangers 391560; 391563), (209591), S (445988; 445990; 446029) 3 2/2023 Mokro. Food. Mid Month. CAPE Valid rom 05/01/2023 - 18/01/2023 makro #

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