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Current special Makro - Valid from 10.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 10.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

NESTLE Mini Chocolates Tex, Bar One or Smarties HALLS ( Lozenges (All variants) | as eS ee estas ee NESTLE NESTLE MENTOS se BEACON Large Tex Chocolate Bars | Aero Chocolate Bars Sweets iii, Jelly Tots » {All variants) {All vorionts) ER SES | All variants) Pic | ¥ os nica} i - ef mena nias ed LAI @ Y F i i f ear sah ONS imentos) A JUNGLE BEACON AIRWAVES poser Energy Fizz Pops & Chewing ay Bars Lollipops Site. | Gum (all verions), (All variants) (Al verionts) {All variants) Be BUY A MOREALESS SIMBA 120 G DEAL Swipe your Makro card and stand a chance to WIN your share of R66 000 in Makro vouchers. ete Ae posse iced lf eon cooren eae [Ceres SIMBA. COCA-COLA , , : r Potato Chips Bottle (ab vein) ag2e oe @ SIMBA SIMBA POWERADE M 5 8 Fritos Peanuts or Peanuts Sports Drink 100% Fruit Juice i se Ul verion and Raisins (Al vrins (Avro ‘ = ant BAKERS BAKERS BROOKES ‘AQUELLE Blue Label Marie Biscuits | Topper Oros Squash Still or Sparkling (Al aint _ (seri Water {All variants) 3-Piece Professional | Aluminium Pot Set Sha) see Sb: (057614) _ = a a = i WF 75 c Professional 3.7¢ Multifunctional 3.7 ¢ Chafing Dish with [Sea einct § 2)4 ¢Mixing Bowl Chafing Dish Corcnnc insert Willy, Hi-ball nae ee eee vee Whiskey Glasses fas7oen dome lid dome lid «Size: 260 ml, 280 ml or 320 ml aia beta Pere rarer 2 46/2022 Mokro.CAP Food Mid Momh_BFN Valid from 10/11/2022 - 23/11/2022

Latest specials

NESTLE Mini Chocolates Tex, Bar One or Smarties HALLS ( Lozenges (All variants) | as eS ee estas ee NESTLE NESTLE MENTOS se BEACON Large Tex Chocolate Bars | Aero Chocolate Bars Sweets iii, Jelly Tots » {All variants) {All vorionts) ER SES | All variants) Pic | ¥ os nica} i - ef mena nias ed LAI @ Y F i i f ear sah ONS imentos) A JUNGLE BEACON AIRWAVES poser Energy Fizz Pops & Chewing ay Bars Lollipops Site. | Gum (all verions), (All variants) (Al verionts) {All variants) Be BUY A MOREALESS SIMBA 120 G DEAL Swipe your Makro card and stand a chance to WIN your share of R66 000 in Makro vouchers. ete Ae posse iced lf eon cooren eae [Ceres SIMBA. COCA-COLA , , : r Potato Chips Bottle (ab vein) ag2e oe @ SIMBA SIMBA POWERADE M 5 8 Fritos Peanuts or Peanuts Sports Drink 100% Fruit Juice i se Ul verion and Raisins (Al vrins (Avro ‘ = ant BAKERS BAKERS BROOKES ‘AQUELLE Blue Label Marie Biscuits | Topper Oros Squash Still or Sparkling (Al aint _ (seri Water {All variants) 3-Piece Professional | Aluminium Pot Set Sha) see Sb: (057614) _ = a a = i WF 75 c Professional 3.7¢ Multifunctional 3.7 ¢ Chafing Dish with [Sea einct § 2)4 ¢Mixing Bowl Chafing Dish Corcnnc insert Willy, Hi-ball nae ee eee vee Whiskey Glasses fas7oen dome lid dome lid «Size: 260 ml, 280 ml or 320 ml aia beta Pere rarer 2 46/2022 Mokro.CAP Food Mid Momh_BFN Valid from 10/11/2022 - 23/11/2022

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