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Current special Makro - Valid from 06.02 to 19.02 - Page nb 20

Special Makro 06.02.2023 - 19.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

@eicer 1799 | Oinrre en 5.5 ¢ Aria Digital Airfryer + Nl KAFION Power 1700 W > Nadal £6 FPAO1 324) 5 Coking nce ® = Ronse (990543) oe — SAVE 200 saan SAVE 100 Bye) 399 Swan NESPRESSO. a Lattissima One Coffee Machit seat eles Poa latina Qnacofee odie | AA.QQ * Avon sled sores ond ene ok (437554) = idea + hviloble i sled sores denne SAVE 300 meal sky @ Bennett Read Rei Gal i 1699 4.7 ¢Marvello 10 oe Stand Bowl Mixer RST aod serene 43942) Phd ae ae Mix-Art Stand Bowl Mixer * Model: RHSB240 @Milex 7 ¢ Air Cooler Mode MACOOS + Power: 65 W 1 Speed stings: 3 4 ‘nodes 2 revable ce packs ond remote contol (985493) SAVE 100 PHILIPS Wet or Dry Electric Shaver + Model $1223)41 » Comfortut bodes 2 2 recone fx heads » Oe och pen 1 Popp timer (399773) @ ® 5 07/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM494_Promotion valid from Monday 6 February to Sunday 19 February 2023 9 to gam ewors downlod ond eit on he nord opp. Sibi! te inten, Mi wil hae alin sacks ne oni dead, Sk ol goad on flrs ied, Malo wil ene ht hy hav ficient selina dn lv ln anlar crn ro too knoe re ona of ek of gts nc wl rng sn ws oko hr You ‘mcsncbl an compare lernawe wih he seme proc! pecconos bu without gurl he dace fer the cere produc Wo mike ocr non odresemer or acomplia isan a prsed we il Spy o nen scar wih ole sored des For GA pats erp srrtud pre er ww ony only fy oye bole pct. Pes eee excess wand Gopaypupons er wed TSR VA Wr ern prod india on we naar pce wl op he nda prod os pr ee oben Manan Fran Src yl son Aue finoncel Sarees Pad: fs" Uceea No 49726) anderen by Riel eg tae Ses ents ee co oer cn prec td a 1 dpe od caw on eo foes a ot aes re ‘ange Al pees ore tivo snl ec fpeyrerls Foy vey bea oss cry. Fos tbl Sage booed en eater Pak re, Repay epire es a re re rie es One Saree ont ore cages he ey wee ore ey

Latest specials

@eicer 1799 | Oinrre en 5.5 ¢ Aria Digital Airfryer + Nl KAFION Power 1700 W > Nadal £6 FPAO1 324) 5 Coking nce ® = Ronse (990543) oe — SAVE 200 saan SAVE 100 Bye) 399 Swan NESPRESSO. a Lattissima One Coffee Machit seat eles Poa latina Qnacofee odie | AA.QQ * Avon sled sores ond ene ok (437554) = idea + hviloble i sled sores denne SAVE 300 meal sky @ Bennett Read Rei Gal i 1699 4.7 ¢Marvello 10 oe Stand Bowl Mixer RST aod serene 43942) Phd ae ae Mix-Art Stand Bowl Mixer * Model: RHSB240 @Milex 7 ¢ Air Cooler Mode MACOOS + Power: 65 W 1 Speed stings: 3 4 ‘nodes 2 revable ce packs ond remote contol (985493) SAVE 100 PHILIPS Wet or Dry Electric Shaver + Model $1223)41 » Comfortut bodes 2 2 recone fx heads » Oe och pen 1 Popp timer (399773) @ ® 5 07/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM494_Promotion valid from Monday 6 February to Sunday 19 February 2023 9 to gam ewors downlod ond eit on he nord opp. Sibi! te inten, Mi wil hae alin sacks ne oni dead, Sk ol goad on flrs ied, Malo wil ene ht hy hav ficient selina dn lv ln anlar crn ro too knoe re ona of ek of gts nc wl rng sn ws oko hr You ‘mcsncbl an compare lernawe wih he seme proc! pecconos bu without gurl he dace fer the cere produc Wo mike ocr non odresemer or acomplia isan a prsed we il Spy o nen scar wih ole sored des For GA pats erp srrtud pre er ww ony only fy oye bole pct. Pes eee excess wand Gopaypupons er wed TSR VA Wr ern prod india on we naar pce wl op he nda prod os pr ee oben Manan Fran Src yl son Aue finoncel Sarees Pad: fs" Uceea No 49726) anderen by Riel eg tae Ses ents ee co oer cn prec td a 1 dpe od caw on eo foes a ot aes re ‘ange Al pees ore tivo snl ec fpeyrerls Foy vey bea oss cry. Fos tbl Sage booed en eater Pak re, Repay epire es a re re rie es One Saree ont ore cages he ey wee ore ey

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