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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.05 to 04.06 - Page nb 10

Special Makro 22.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Ww uke);.smie/\y me <elumy MORE EXCITING DEALS. MORE VALUE. BARGAINED FOR. SUE MI ee eItTh ae ey) for 3 for R80) Any 4 for R120 serene ae (Equates to R30 p/unit) ‘bibl | ees KOS 5 ai 3 ae DYN ogre ca) ya erode 5 ew es rtatrra aa | vt > BD ‘SIMBA NESTLE Aero Chocolate Slabs Pototo Chips (All variants} 120 ¢ {All variants} 135 5 a: Pr ya cain DY ase mies : aioe IE CADBURY Chocolate Slabs (All variants) 150g Smorties, Tox, KitKot, Bor One or Eet-Suem-Mor Biscuits Red Label Creams Biscuits Makybor (Al verionts) 135-189 g {Al vorionts) 200 g Yl variants} 200 g Rares [APPLETISER or GRAPETISER M BONAQUA PUMP Sil Flavoured Corbonated Fruit Juice Stil oF Sparkling Water 6 x 500 mi ‘Woter (All variants} 6 x 750 ml {All variants) 1.25 ¢ — ere 7 UP FREE or PEPSI MAX Solt Drinks COKE ZERO, FANTA, SPRITE, STONEY, BOKOMO Non Returnable Bottle (Al variants) SPARLETTA or TWIST Soft Drinks ProNutro High Nutrition Cereal YUM YUM 112x390 mi Fr ice led (Al vio 1.5 (Al vorionts} 1.5 ¢ (All variants) 500 9 ‘Smooth Peanut Buttor 1 kg ‘Any 2 for R260) Any 2 for RO. 2 for RN0) ‘Shor RISO) ‘Any/3 for R80) gots to 1130 piv Seqoates to 835 phot aguten he RSS plore Aguas to R493 pent Meter 0 226.497 pret PURITY. if ii Fichords (Al veo 400 9 PASTA GRANDE PASTA GRANDE 2nd Foods (Al variants} 125 ml Conned Soups {All variants} 410 g NOVAT Spoghett or Mecaroni S00 g Pasta Screws 500 q 10 22/2023 Maleo DI?/TM_MKNIGHE72 Promotion valid from Monday 22 May to Suoday & kine 2023

Latest specials

Ww uke);.smie/\y me <elumy MORE EXCITING DEALS. MORE VALUE. BARGAINED FOR. SUE MI ee eItTh ae ey) for 3 for R80) Any 4 for R120 serene ae (Equates to R30 p/unit) ‘bibl | ees KOS 5 ai 3 ae DYN ogre ca) ya erode 5 ew es rtatrra aa | vt > BD ‘SIMBA NESTLE Aero Chocolate Slabs Pototo Chips (All variants} 120 ¢ {All variants} 135 5 a: Pr ya cain DY ase mies : aioe IE CADBURY Chocolate Slabs (All variants) 150g Smorties, Tox, KitKot, Bor One or Eet-Suem-Mor Biscuits Red Label Creams Biscuits Makybor (Al verionts) 135-189 g {Al vorionts) 200 g Yl variants} 200 g Rares [APPLETISER or GRAPETISER M BONAQUA PUMP Sil Flavoured Corbonated Fruit Juice Stil oF Sparkling Water 6 x 500 mi ‘Woter (All variants} 6 x 750 ml {All variants) 1.25 ¢ — ere 7 UP FREE or PEPSI MAX Solt Drinks COKE ZERO, FANTA, SPRITE, STONEY, BOKOMO Non Returnable Bottle (Al variants) SPARLETTA or TWIST Soft Drinks ProNutro High Nutrition Cereal YUM YUM 112x390 mi Fr ice led (Al vio 1.5 (Al vorionts} 1.5 ¢ (All variants) 500 9 ‘Smooth Peanut Buttor 1 kg ‘Any 2 for R260) Any 2 for RO. 2 for RN0) ‘Shor RISO) ‘Any/3 for R80) gots to 1130 piv Seqoates to 835 phot aguten he RSS plore Aguas to R493 pent Meter 0 226.497 pret PURITY. if ii Fichords (Al veo 400 9 PASTA GRANDE PASTA GRANDE 2nd Foods (Al variants} 125 ml Conned Soups {All variants} 410 g NOVAT Spoghett or Mecaroni S00 g Pasta Screws 500 q 10 22/2023 Maleo DI?/TM_MKNIGHE72 Promotion valid from Monday 22 May to Suoday & kine 2023

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