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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Easter - Valid from 13.04 to 19.04 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 13.04.2023 - 19.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

VISIT OUR NEW FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI BAKERY & HOT FOOD NOW AVAILABLE IN-STORE Te ae wid Aiesaen 4 0 4 AnOMat supen| | 1 Task ¢ shor Super coco A & ad oe 5. in| | | super, Mate YS ‘. __ ay Pace tel] | lUvaze Mea | Meal Keoncentrate » ral 95" er. Syak — . ‘bene gr | roma 95° = }/ SPEKKO eeu ae oe j ar i | iia BE cs er = = ou coer vA | ese ssn ROBERTSON 2, HINDS j romats Sorc aca 1 pest | ea sin Sfalherndoutnrn {| i, Mayonnaise| oe 5 cri 2008 Powder Coating Ky | etl] EEG wd152" 25 a >| ed age FL . Ste ete | tes 189" 34° i 2 ee mee & ee fens a 7 : Gold Star I Serr wae EE el = MARCA Peet DLITE oll EXCELLA EXCELLA PAN | = ‘Cooking Cooking Cooking Oil + Cooking Oil SUNSTAR eh - =e ‘Cooking Oil a Oil 7) - 313" « EXCELLA| Sunflower} ol PASTA JOY| Pasta Macaroni 191* Noootes Value Pack ; sin 3 oie, PASIAIOY CEREBOS SALT mania Pasta Spaghetti anes 191” 421" ‘iar 2149 ete 2 GoLDi Mined , f r = 5 Portion witt 136. Nine = ; ee RAINES Sf ac Fal Ce E8473" | as 156" | a s60" Aig" lixierase Sesvar eae | [yg svat 2347 ee | oe SUPER SUN'viars1.78 i Ba ; Eire oT in 2 s COUNTRY Original REAR yeu Porridge =i — ae ts sei mi JOKO),| 2@. << \.6@ “Bes Seer =@. = et » | Qelatla 34 | Selati 423.7), Selal Z ee 23.4" mew 123" 186" eo ach . osssac 9 pet Eo) «! Site 1347 Kole g | csces291 a 2 : : g Boeke ape | Sm wl | crore | BM Beacon Mina aaa | at icy e| mires ttt Marie mee exes = CdsuRy Pre packs ‘SMOOTHIES Pops Ice Jelly Biscuits Original CHAPPIES| acl PS Mini Assorted SUPA Pop ‘aie 2 Assorted wince son | = san ‘Smoothie 1QUI FRUIT - hie [Cranberry ae ie 134” 86" s Meee on Sa Fa Soe ‘ FRUIT : aie eeu 4 Assorted OROS Orange sma ong ps Bia |< sb 25| aQquellé ii a 197" | = Ss | ie eee fatal Sot ite | sacs | COREL Soe LOT, |swrren ieFresnn Eola brink Setting Favour fone ee finaon, poe Original WATER: Cans Only Assorted DEW Plastic : = ™ spanuetia| wa _—_ FRESHWAY FRUIT & VEG VALID FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONLY S ea cad Or COKE 7 2o710s = s || Ac] Gp cold Brink roraro SiuugoRS, Vp ae & 79"| | 20 a0" Pocket ¢ Orange saris ‘sits sunaiss 5 ¢ 2072 FantAy zou oy A ; Senin GRAPES 207083 BANANA Kk Cucumber Box RSDAY 13™ APRIL TO WEDNESDAY 19™ APRIL 2023 PROMOTION STARTS : T!

Latest specials

VISIT OUR NEW FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI BAKERY & HOT FOOD NOW AVAILABLE IN-STORE Te ae wid Aiesaen 4 0 4 AnOMat supen| | 1 Task ¢ shor Super coco A & ad oe 5. in| | | super, Mate YS ‘. __ ay Pace tel] | lUvaze Mea | Meal Keoncentrate » ral 95" er. Syak — . ‘bene gr | roma 95° = }/ SPEKKO eeu ae oe j ar i | iia BE cs er = = ou coer vA | ese ssn ROBERTSON 2, HINDS j romats Sorc aca 1 pest | ea sin Sfalherndoutnrn {| i, Mayonnaise| oe 5 cri 2008 Powder Coating Ky | etl] EEG wd152" 25 a >| ed age FL . Ste ete | tes 189" 34° i 2 ee mee & ee fens a 7 : Gold Star I Serr wae EE el = MARCA Peet DLITE oll EXCELLA EXCELLA PAN | = ‘Cooking Cooking Cooking Oil + Cooking Oil SUNSTAR eh - =e ‘Cooking Oil a Oil 7) - 313" « EXCELLA| Sunflower} ol PASTA JOY| Pasta Macaroni 191* Noootes Value Pack ; sin 3 oie, PASIAIOY CEREBOS SALT mania Pasta Spaghetti anes 191” 421" ‘iar 2149 ete 2 GoLDi Mined , f r = 5 Portion witt 136. Nine = ; ee RAINES Sf ac Fal Ce E8473" | as 156" | a s60" Aig" lixierase Sesvar eae | [yg svat 2347 ee | oe SUPER SUN'viars1.78 i Ba ; Eire oT in 2 s COUNTRY Original REAR yeu Porridge =i — ae ts sei mi JOKO),| 2@. << \.6@ “Bes Seer =@. = et » | Qelatla 34 | Selati 423.7), Selal Z ee 23.4" mew 123" 186" eo ach . osssac 9 pet Eo) «! Site 1347 Kole g | csces291 a 2 : : g Boeke ape | Sm wl | crore | BM Beacon Mina aaa | at icy e| mires ttt Marie mee exes = CdsuRy Pre packs ‘SMOOTHIES Pops Ice Jelly Biscuits Original CHAPPIES| acl PS Mini Assorted SUPA Pop ‘aie 2 Assorted wince son | = san ‘Smoothie 1QUI FRUIT - hie [Cranberry ae ie 134” 86" s Meee on Sa Fa Soe ‘ FRUIT : aie eeu 4 Assorted OROS Orange sma ong ps Bia |< sb 25| aQquellé ii a 197" | = Ss | ie eee fatal Sot ite | sacs | COREL Soe LOT, |swrren ieFresnn Eola brink Setting Favour fone ee finaon, poe Original WATER: Cans Only Assorted DEW Plastic : = ™ spanuetia| wa _—_ FRESHWAY FRUIT & VEG VALID FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONLY S ea cad Or COKE 7 2o710s = s || Ac] Gp cold Brink roraro SiuugoRS, Vp ae & 79"| | 20 a0" Pocket ¢ Orange saris ‘sits sunaiss 5 ¢ 2072 FantAy zou oy A ; Senin GRAPES 207083 BANANA Kk Cucumber Box RSDAY 13™ APRIL TO WEDNESDAY 19™ APRIL 2023 PROMOTION STARTS : T!

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