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Current special House & Home - Valid from 19.09 to 30.10 - Page nb 8

Special House & Home 19.09.2022 - 30.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

R8999 | Fics R9999 | [os R12999) | iss SAVE R1000 | 12cm Granite Base Set SAVE R1000 | 152em Misty Base Set SAVE R2000 | 183cm Misty Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in + 2-Year Guarantee Included in +2: Guarantee Included in a 20-Year Service Warranty a 20-Year Service Warranty a 20-Year Service Warranty Se a So =e Buy a EESRMG bed and We ast programme to help save the planet Dae oe rg te ee) Gee ea ate Rn aca | RESTONIC } 183cm Ambassador Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty ead R8499 WIN ALSO AVAILABLE SAVE R1500 ssn, neree, save neon, oi R407 PM X 36. R850 Deposit. 137cm R5999, Save R1000 Total payable R14651 at 21.50% interest. 152cm R6499, Save R1000 SAVE R1000 Yo-Year Service ‘Warranty Fi@ Mii Se er NA Rear) Prices advertised are applicable within South Africa on) Instaiment prices displayed nude VA, interes, compulsory insurance, monthly service fe and once-f natin fe, but exude optional insurance and delivery haces No epost a ems sje et apo AL cet plats ae aj! ace check ae ata coat may ave te pod Many tamer may soy wih No Depot role your nest mont’ pysps, pout freee ol lier han mons an ony expense Gets erste apd respons oyu cred apleaton. Fd any fe cheap a any coe ale prove acre {talogue ora quote and we wi eid the aference plus 5% of the dlerence. Tis fer excludes Sloe Openings, Clerances 0 Limited Quanbty ors. Pre-approved ced subject lo cet checks. Standard Tes ard Condos app Products canbe purchased from al ranches, bt duet our vast range, some products may not necessary be on display in al stores. Accessories optional exis. Should an err occu r incomplete information be pied n his adertsemen, we wil splay a notice store wh al the cect deals. Shope Checkers PY) Lid Va House & Home san Authored Fancal Services Provider FSP 7732) and Shope Investment Lid san Autharised Cre Provider No Dears lowed. rood tobe NCA compliant NCACPEOSO, EROE PRICES VALID FROM 19 SEPTEMBER - 30 OCTOBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST. | edt 152cm Nambit Pilow-Top Base Set SASAHHS69

Latest specials

R8999 | Fics R9999 | [os R12999) | iss SAVE R1000 | 12cm Granite Base Set SAVE R1000 | 152em Misty Base Set SAVE R2000 | 183cm Misty Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in + 2-Year Guarantee Included in +2: Guarantee Included in a 20-Year Service Warranty a 20-Year Service Warranty a 20-Year Service Warranty Se a So =e Buy a EESRMG bed and We ast programme to help save the planet Dae oe rg te ee) Gee ea ate Rn aca | RESTONIC } 183cm Ambassador Base Set + 2-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty ead R8499 WIN ALSO AVAILABLE SAVE R1500 ssn, neree, save neon, oi R407 PM X 36. R850 Deposit. 137cm R5999, Save R1000 Total payable R14651 at 21.50% interest. 152cm R6499, Save R1000 SAVE R1000 Yo-Year Service ‘Warranty Fi@ Mii Se er NA Rear) Prices advertised are applicable within South Africa on) Instaiment prices displayed nude VA, interes, compulsory insurance, monthly service fe and once-f natin fe, but exude optional insurance and delivery haces No epost a ems sje et apo AL cet plats ae aj! ace check ae ata coat may ave te pod Many tamer may soy wih No Depot role your nest mont’ pysps, pout freee ol lier han mons an ony expense Gets erste apd respons oyu cred apleaton. Fd any fe cheap a any coe ale prove acre {talogue ora quote and we wi eid the aference plus 5% of the dlerence. Tis fer excludes Sloe Openings, Clerances 0 Limited Quanbty ors. Pre-approved ced subject lo cet checks. Standard Tes ard Condos app Products canbe purchased from al ranches, bt duet our vast range, some products may not necessary be on display in al stores. Accessories optional exis. Should an err occu r incomplete information be pied n his adertsemen, we wil splay a notice store wh al the cect deals. Shope Checkers PY) Lid Va House & Home san Authored Fancal Services Provider FSP 7732) and Shope Investment Lid san Autharised Cre Provider No Dears lowed. rood tobe NCA compliant NCACPEOSO, EROE PRICES VALID FROM 19 SEPTEMBER - 30 OCTOBER 2022, WHILE STOCKS LAST. | edt 152cm Nambit Pilow-Top Base Set SASAHHS69

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