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Current special Game - Valid from 07.12 to 06.02 - Page nb 7

Special Game 07.12.2022 - 06.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

HOWTO KEEP YOUR SMARTPHONE De Ta aes PONTO ed Ss a fell) pele tle OUCH-SCREI D Set ec BEd ere iy a Deeg 5000mAh Cera ISTE 32GB ROM 2G6B RAM s2GBROM wacranty Redmi 9A Redmi Al Redmi 10C ‘Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT „ 7% & ff) 7 oe yo J Eee Enea Rare New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts *50Minotes +50 Minotes "50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime *500MB 0ata Anytime + 500MB Data Anytime *SOOMB Night Owt *500MB Night Ont 53GB Video Ticket (1G8 PM ‘Start-up data bbunate for contracts, (ence cnpime Dea vais for 30 ys) ‘eocect egtne Data vitor 30 ys Kent Angie Da voli tot 30 days) fers vt rom 07 Dec 2022-06 Feb 2028 Sandor tars nd conten ply Cert cots ae sujet to sgrng 3 new 24/36-month Vodacom Contact and once olf SIM and ceroecton feet R204 en ‘Bloew Contracts unless athecwee sated. #Subject to RICA sd -sce action o a Prepaid Starter Pack VAT nce. EXOE. All Once-of Osta bunds wil hae voit up uth 2599 of te SOen yom ‘nd incosng the diy of purchase Gf cards ace rot cluded Prepaid dea. GE cars ay Pk be recemed et cath Or puymenton weak. Passe bing I book prot of adres. and S mock bank Staerants Ft hers a cons 260 quan Grvces vs veda costal cece ns vocucem cosa Al Ges vol we sacks Las Tat covet Ca suace pet's uncer tee by Vodacom noraaseone Insurance Company licensed non-Ufe nsure Terms ad conditions apply, vst zs The allocationof the addtional data and oie mientes are on new ines only and ton upgrade or repaid on double a line deals ont the main Line wl receive the allocation ofthe actions data and voce mutes mn SAGSGAIG75. RSA EDITION PRICES VALID FROM 07 DEC 2022-O6 FEB 2023-7

Latest specials

HOWTO KEEP YOUR SMARTPHONE De Ta aes PONTO ed Ss a fell) pele tle OUCH-SCREI D Set ec BEd ere iy a Deeg 5000mAh Cera ISTE 32GB ROM 2G6B RAM s2GBROM wacranty Redmi 9A Redmi Al Redmi 10C ‘Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT „ 7% & ff) 7 oe yo J Eee Enea Rare New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts *50Minotes +50 Minotes "50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime *500MB 0ata Anytime + 500MB Data Anytime *SOOMB Night Owt *500MB Night Ont 53GB Video Ticket (1G8 PM ‘Start-up data bbunate for contracts, (ence cnpime Dea vais for 30 ys) ‘eocect egtne Data vitor 30 ys Kent Angie Da voli tot 30 days) fers vt rom 07 Dec 2022-06 Feb 2028 Sandor tars nd conten ply Cert cots ae sujet to sgrng 3 new 24/36-month Vodacom Contact and once olf SIM and ceroecton feet R204 en ‘Bloew Contracts unless athecwee sated. #Subject to RICA sd -sce action o a Prepaid Starter Pack VAT nce. EXOE. All Once-of Osta bunds wil hae voit up uth 2599 of te SOen yom ‘nd incosng the diy of purchase Gf cards ace rot cluded Prepaid dea. GE cars ay Pk be recemed et cath Or puymenton weak. Passe bing I book prot of adres. and S mock bank Staerants Ft hers a cons 260 quan Grvces vs veda costal cece ns vocucem cosa Al Ges vol we sacks Las Tat covet Ca suace pet's uncer tee by Vodacom noraaseone Insurance Company licensed non-Ufe nsure Terms ad conditions apply, vst zs The allocationof the addtional data and oie mientes are on new ines only and ton upgrade or repaid on double a line deals ont the main Line wl receive the allocation ofthe actions data and voce mutes mn SAGSGAIG75. RSA EDITION PRICES VALID FROM 07 DEC 2022-O6 FEB 2023-7

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