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Current special Game - Valid from 07.03 to 03.04 - Page nb 7

Special Game 07.03.2023 - 03.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

368 RAM 32.68 RO warranty SAMSUNG Galaxy A04s 4G ‘Smartphone CONTRACT orn eee ed New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime + SOOMB Night Ow 368 Video Ticket (1GB PM x3) Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-o Anytime Data, vai for 30 dys) SAGSGAI876, RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 MAR - 03 APR 2023 SUMS patties R4000 eet SAMSUNG Galaxy A13 4G Smartphone CONTRACT recr ened New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minctes +500MB Data Anytine + 5D0MB Night Ow 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Start-up data bundle for contracts (ence-oft Arte Data, vali for 30 days) 7 warranty warranty SAMSUNG Galaxy A33 5G ‘Smartphone CONTRACT rn Poetry 500MB Night Ow 35GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-f Anypime Data, val for 30 days)

Latest specials

368 RAM 32.68 RO warranty SAMSUNG Galaxy A04s 4G ‘Smartphone CONTRACT orn eee ed New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime + SOOMB Night Ow 368 Video Ticket (1GB PM x3) Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-o Anytime Data, vai for 30 dys) SAGSGAI876, RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 MAR - 03 APR 2023 SUMS patties R4000 eet SAMSUNG Galaxy A13 4G Smartphone CONTRACT recr ened New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minctes +500MB Data Anytine + 5D0MB Night Ow 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Start-up data bundle for contracts (ence-oft Arte Data, vali for 30 days) 7 warranty warranty SAMSUNG Galaxy A33 5G ‘Smartphone CONTRACT rn Poetry 500MB Night Ow 35GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-f Anypime Data, val for 30 days)

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