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Current special Game - Back to School - Valid from 28.12 to 07.02 - Page nb 1

Special Game 28.12.2022 - 07.02.2023

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Victory Backpack Pink OR Navy } iy + item no: 812409002/ 1 834783 ' Eto VRS PRL Ll) err) <> SAVERS A Comp eh _ Handbooks and Seaham gat oe ae Yi) sc cuce \. pooner Grok 8 Moores d Grade 8 to Grade 12 a Spent FX-82ZA Plus Il Orange Fi cyst Sneed eee pack Een range Fine OR Crystal + Kom 90: B17146/B17165 + Item no: 5742 Xtra Life Ball Point Pens . BY7Ve/ BI7IZS/ S173 SAVE R80 3225/05 4+3 FREE Pack =a Nee CSUIee Strie Si2 ‘ } Black OR Blue . fa . + temo: 81318800 s--- nr) ri 813188002/ ae 3 eee Esecse Books ca Re Ad 72-Page Assorted a = + Item no: 667732/ 667731/667730/667726 ne Coleg 1667725 2 = es FROM mi Yumi Yew oI tag, aie Evolution Stripes Rae i Colouring Pencils 12-Pack + Item no: 326054 \ SAVE R7*° * B \Buttertly Weitere POC FI 3 pao Pocket Files A4 1.10-Pocket R10” SS Samo i FILED —— a Pri Ge Stick , $0 1 lay 30 Pockat itt Glue Stic! W Wire | HAMM Torn & cotour 30) tem no 680205, Sake 439 3-Pack PLUS : Pigg 4 Retacabie Wax Sie enka Z FREE Pritt Multi Tack ee ee them ne: 680228 SAVE R76. erro: 525833 50-Pocket earninis essa «item no: 680230 ‘ SEES By): Kiwi Shoe Polish Ne Hard Cover Books Au Se Paste 50mt ~-- Feint Margin OR Quad Margin 1-Quire 96 Pages L Sars + item 0: 667737/B18256 SARE JF coe ed Kiwi Shoe Polish -Quii Pi Paper AG Poe Oe eee SAVERZ0® paste 100ml 500-Sheet Ream = ‘ 3-Quire 288 Pages + Item no: 667740/81825 So ae 4-Quire 384 Pages RIS WE BEAT ANY PRICE BY + itm no: 818257 ON THE DIFFERENCE, GUARANTEED IN-STORE AND ONLINE.

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Victory Backpack Pink OR Navy } iy + item no: 812409002/ 1 834783 ' Eto VRS PRL Ll) err) <> SAVERS A Comp eh _ Handbooks and Seaham gat oe ae Yi) sc cuce \. pooner Grok 8 Moores d Grade 8 to Grade 12 a Spent FX-82ZA Plus Il Orange Fi cyst Sneed eee pack Een range Fine OR Crystal + Kom 90: B17146/B17165 + Item no: 5742 Xtra Life Ball Point Pens . BY7Ve/ BI7IZS/ S173 SAVE R80 3225/05 4+3 FREE Pack =a Nee CSUIee Strie Si2 ‘ } Black OR Blue . fa . + temo: 81318800 s--- nr) ri 813188002/ ae 3 eee Esecse Books ca Re Ad 72-Page Assorted a = + Item no: 667732/ 667731/667730/667726 ne Coleg 1667725 2 = es FROM mi Yumi Yew oI tag, aie Evolution Stripes Rae i Colouring Pencils 12-Pack + Item no: 326054 \ SAVE R7*° * B \Buttertly Weitere POC FI 3 pao Pocket Files A4 1.10-Pocket R10” SS Samo i FILED —— a Pri Ge Stick , $0 1 lay 30 Pockat itt Glue Stic! W Wire | HAMM Torn & cotour 30) tem no 680205, Sake 439 3-Pack PLUS : Pigg 4 Retacabie Wax Sie enka Z FREE Pritt Multi Tack ee ee them ne: 680228 SAVE R76. erro: 525833 50-Pocket earninis essa «item no: 680230 ‘ SEES By): Kiwi Shoe Polish Ne Hard Cover Books Au Se Paste 50mt ~-- Feint Margin OR Quad Margin 1-Quire 96 Pages L Sars + item 0: 667737/B18256 SARE JF coe ed Kiwi Shoe Polish -Quii Pi Paper AG Poe Oe eee SAVERZ0® paste 100ml 500-Sheet Ream = ‘ 3-Quire 288 Pages + Item no: 667740/81825 So ae 4-Quire 384 Pages RIS WE BEAT ANY PRICE BY + itm no: 818257 ON THE DIFFERENCE, GUARANTEED IN-STORE AND ONLINE.

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