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Current special Game - Valid from 11.01 to 24.01 - Page nb 9

Special Game 11.01.2023 - 24.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

PD ye eM at) Ed ONE Et etd CChat to us in-store for back to back accredited installations from: ocr) Deg ede ees Bereta keueal From the indoor unit LOGIK Sern Se ea + Cooling and heating function Once oa *Timac function os recent LOGIK Mone LOG! ioeow SOcmboxFan “Neren ester a ead erect Mipnvecchy pete ae 2 Sedseaen Shama nes r “irene 295608 SAVE4O | Wsaveso } LoGk’ High Velocity Pedestal Fan ROW +3 Speed seting + Oselating = Tk fonction = Stabnest tne Bades Lb “= Neiabie in pink, white ae blue fener crates tere Te) Lock " 1 eae «Con be used a5 a pedestal, \ <item 9 690169 SAVE 100 SAVE 100 SAVE 100 SAVE 100 a LOGIK ac ec cance ess eee een pone LOGIK Losi 132 cm 3-Light Ceiling 105.em‘-Light Ceiling Fan ey ‘ewentese nel eee ® w ESAVESOO! Somes SAVE 100 “case SAVE 100 SAVE 150 ene mis Bagless Cytinder SAVE 100 @ Bennett Read Titan 20 SAVE 100 SAVE 50 SAVE 100 SAVE 200

Latest specials

PD ye eM at) Ed ONE Et etd CChat to us in-store for back to back accredited installations from: ocr) Deg ede ees Bereta keueal From the indoor unit LOGIK Sern Se ea + Cooling and heating function Once oa *Timac function os recent LOGIK Mone LOG! ioeow SOcmboxFan “Neren ester a ead erect Mipnvecchy pete ae 2 Sedseaen Shama nes r “irene 295608 SAVE4O | Wsaveso } LoGk’ High Velocity Pedestal Fan ROW +3 Speed seting + Oselating = Tk fonction = Stabnest tne Bades Lb “= Neiabie in pink, white ae blue fener crates tere Te) Lock " 1 eae «Con be used a5 a pedestal, \ <item 9 690169 SAVE 100 SAVE 100 SAVE 100 SAVE 100 a LOGIK ac ec cance ess eee een pone LOGIK Losi 132 cm 3-Light Ceiling 105.em‘-Light Ceiling Fan ey ‘ewentese nel eee ® w ESAVESOO! Somes SAVE 100 “case SAVE 100 SAVE 150 ene mis Bagless Cytinder SAVE 100 @ Bennett Read Titan 20 SAVE 100 SAVE 50 SAVE 100 SAVE 200

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