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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 05.06 to 14.06 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 05.06.2023 - 14.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

OU ay u C K Orange Pockets " “4 Stewing Beef Avocado Boxes . R59... "2 R29... > (22 @ 692°. . ; re aX WY an 2EG i ey Sea BAKERY | BUTCHERY aes ala, i Bulk Beef or Cripps Pink Apple E - Econopacks 1.5 kg Rump. steak Oranges or Lemons ANY 2 FOR ee 9 \ UB Food Lover's Cheese per ka} Russians 450.9 per kg : 2 9 99 each | Grapefruit Paw Paws a Thriftpacks 4s © 2FOR i = R25 © R30 Wy > Jan Braai Original (Ke p | Boerewors 500 g gmca) So! =f aN od = Vf {ie | | ete or 4 4 Ae : Se | (avn: w ‘ es | Se ee ° - ie, 3 Green Pepper , Potiie Potato Thriftpacks 4s Pineapples Thriftpacks 1kg Boneless Pork 6 Say Pork Belly 3FOR B55 Os ye S882) Se aoe, FOOD SPECIALS VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 11 JUNE 2023 LOVER’S Cee en oe een ee eee ene una peanneinemiseettastenmmmnntrner tent ot MARKET Dee Te ee ee or ued

Latest specials

OU ay u C K Orange Pockets " “4 Stewing Beef Avocado Boxes . R59... "2 R29... > (22 @ 692°. . ; re aX WY an 2EG i ey Sea BAKERY | BUTCHERY aes ala, i Bulk Beef or Cripps Pink Apple E - Econopacks 1.5 kg Rump. steak Oranges or Lemons ANY 2 FOR ee 9 \ UB Food Lover's Cheese per ka} Russians 450.9 per kg : 2 9 99 each | Grapefruit Paw Paws a Thriftpacks 4s © 2FOR i = R25 © R30 Wy > Jan Braai Original (Ke p | Boerewors 500 g gmca) So! =f aN od = Vf {ie | | ete or 4 4 Ae : Se | (avn: w ‘ es | Se ee ° - ie, 3 Green Pepper , Potiie Potato Thriftpacks 4s Pineapples Thriftpacks 1kg Boneless Pork 6 Say Pork Belly 3FOR B55 Os ye S882) Se aoe, FOOD SPECIALS VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 11 JUNE 2023 LOVER’S Cee en oe een ee eee ene una peanneinemiseettastenmmmnntrner tent ot MARKET Dee Te ee ee or ued

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