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Current special Checkers - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 3

Special Checkers 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

R26 cy) y Ao y Huletts ei Spaghetti/ 7 White eka ee pen wnite So Pena iat) "4 2x 500g Ce Oe eat — = a poe edi Teese. & ud . i { Nt j N sl CM, Ses Weeite 7. : i, LOVALRY BEST LOYALTY PROGRAMME, . ; = one net, erry Teor) a ‘faa ——— a { " Eva Sd Pea 4 BUY 2FOR ANY 3 FOR 7 ~' \eo Bull Brand Lucky Star Shredded Royce Cook-In Saucer Wollington's B-well Mayonnaise ri Comed Beet Tuna in Water 2x 170g Potato Bake All Variants x 3 ‘Tomato Sauce All Variants — . ree WIN ¢ =WN — , i i = * — , i ; y ¥ oun & fe . & f } &D = - fo smoorm = ) ‘a ne g 2 SAVE R25 ieee Sar SAVE 23% BUY 2 FOR ANY 3 FOR aiid 99 aed 499 ed tre? Orange Gin Coal Koo Peach Halves/ All Gold Smooth Bakers Red Labo! Cape Cookies Mini Double Manhattan Sweets Slices in Syrup Apricot Jam Original Tennis Biscuits Delight Cookies 2 x 200g All Variants 3 x 125g diced oe cere} CBE os R} =I Pit - Xam Cad STEIN Exo frediral ANY 2 FOR BUY 2FOR Ansdtia tek Se kay Whisky cen << —= at — Doritos Corn Chips Cores 100% Fruit Liqui Fruit 100% Fruit Coca-Cola Original Aquellé Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. All Variants 2x 145g Juice Blend All Variants Juice All Variants Taste Cold Drink 2x 1,5¢ Still Water 2 x Se Drink Responsibly. false The 99 ar ros : a fence £ we op n eS & DE em BUY ANY 2& ara NO QUESTIONS ASKED. [i fea st ede " ce Cripps ree, Pink Apples Export Quality Blueberries 125g cup/Strawberries 250g pack x 2

Latest specials

R26 cy) y Ao y Huletts ei Spaghetti/ 7 White eka ee pen wnite So Pena iat) "4 2x 500g Ce Oe eat — = a poe edi Teese. & ud . i { Nt j N sl CM, Ses Weeite 7. : i, LOVALRY BEST LOYALTY PROGRAMME, . ; = one net, erry Teor) a ‘faa ——— a { " Eva Sd Pea 4 BUY 2FOR ANY 3 FOR 7 ~' \eo Bull Brand Lucky Star Shredded Royce Cook-In Saucer Wollington's B-well Mayonnaise ri Comed Beet Tuna in Water 2x 170g Potato Bake All Variants x 3 ‘Tomato Sauce All Variants — . ree WIN ¢ =WN — , i i = * — , i ; y ¥ oun & fe . & f } &D = - fo smoorm = ) ‘a ne g 2 SAVE R25 ieee Sar SAVE 23% BUY 2 FOR ANY 3 FOR aiid 99 aed 499 ed tre? Orange Gin Coal Koo Peach Halves/ All Gold Smooth Bakers Red Labo! Cape Cookies Mini Double Manhattan Sweets Slices in Syrup Apricot Jam Original Tennis Biscuits Delight Cookies 2 x 200g All Variants 3 x 125g diced oe cere} CBE os R} =I Pit - Xam Cad STEIN Exo frediral ANY 2 FOR BUY 2FOR Ansdtia tek Se kay Whisky cen << —= at — Doritos Corn Chips Cores 100% Fruit Liqui Fruit 100% Fruit Coca-Cola Original Aquellé Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. All Variants 2x 145g Juice Blend All Variants Juice All Variants Taste Cold Drink 2x 1,5¢ Still Water 2 x Se Drink Responsibly. false The 99 ar ros : a fence £ we op n eS & DE em BUY ANY 2& ara NO QUESTIONS ASKED. [i fea st ede " ce Cripps ree, Pink Apples Export Quality Blueberries 125g cup/Strawberries 250g pack x 2

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