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Current special Checkers - Valid from 22.05 to 11.06 - Page nb 5

Special Checkers 22.05.2023 - 11.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

aS B00„ GLOVE KIN Healing Hands Specialist 7) Body Glove ‘ 50mV/150mvS00m! HEEL cove Hand Care Healing Hands Moisturising Body Cream tn x Enriched with Vitamin E a SPFA5 ( < Original Hand CrĂ©me 150ml With Lanolin & Vitamin E BUY ANY & SAVE 20% od Healing | HealingHan 1 HealingHa ki — LI Healing Hands Healing Hands Healing Hands HealingHands’ Gkirg' Healing! » 8ODY,GLOVEℱ a 4 HealingHands” Hands ‘ Age Protection Mini Manicure Original Hand. Product: Healing Hands . Hand CrĂ©me 75ml Nail & Cuticle = CrĂ©me 75m anae Heel Glove Heel Balm 75m! With Lime Tree CrĂ©me 75m! With Lanolin ‘o With 25% Urea, Healing Extract &Grape With Vitamin E, —_& Vitamin E Extracts & Refreshing Mint Seed Oil Olive & Lanalin Premium, intensive SKIN SOLUTIONS formulated with therapeutic ingredients. With lanolin for lasting hydration. —_ 92 Pee rGENTLE Xa & ANY 2 FOR — R70 el fofunovs <n = Tissue Oil 200m! & + Tissue Oil Body Butter 250m! Johnson’s + Tissue Oil Magnolia 100m! Vita-Rich - Tissue Oil Cocoa Butter 100m! Body Lotion = Tissue Oil 125ml All Variants + Derma Tissue Gel 100m! 2 x 400m + Derma Tissue Oil Spray 100ml BUY ANY & Ca he) ear 23m / SAVE CHEAPEST ] 20% note) Lipsano a Ice Ee bem Lig Baim Stick/Tub TO a Nac a 5 * All Variants Dove Cotton erm, 450/4,99 Wool/Buds/ METI SA Tot) Products & GET the Cheapest Cola} Pa Coeeey Cy mS Lip Balm All Variants Lip Balm Colour All Variants 99S GNFOCCCNIDE Page 5

Latest specials

aS B00„ GLOVE KIN Healing Hands Specialist 7) Body Glove ‘ 50mV/150mvS00m! HEEL cove Hand Care Healing Hands Moisturising Body Cream tn x Enriched with Vitamin E a SPFA5 ( < Original Hand CrĂ©me 150ml With Lanolin & Vitamin E BUY ANY & SAVE 20% od Healing | HealingHan 1 HealingHa ki — LI Healing Hands Healing Hands Healing Hands HealingHands’ Gkirg' Healing! » 8ODY,GLOVEℱ a 4 HealingHands” Hands ‘ Age Protection Mini Manicure Original Hand. Product: Healing Hands . Hand CrĂ©me 75ml Nail & Cuticle = CrĂ©me 75m anae Heel Glove Heel Balm 75m! With Lime Tree CrĂ©me 75m! With Lanolin ‘o With 25% Urea, Healing Extract &Grape With Vitamin E, —_& Vitamin E Extracts & Refreshing Mint Seed Oil Olive & Lanalin Premium, intensive SKIN SOLUTIONS formulated with therapeutic ingredients. With lanolin for lasting hydration. —_ 92 Pee rGENTLE Xa & ANY 2 FOR — R70 el fofunovs <n = Tissue Oil 200m! & + Tissue Oil Body Butter 250m! Johnson’s + Tissue Oil Magnolia 100m! Vita-Rich - Tissue Oil Cocoa Butter 100m! Body Lotion = Tissue Oil 125ml All Variants + Derma Tissue Gel 100m! 2 x 400m + Derma Tissue Oil Spray 100ml BUY ANY & Ca he) ear 23m / SAVE CHEAPEST ] 20% note) Lipsano a Ice Ee bem Lig Baim Stick/Tub TO a Nac a 5 * All Variants Dove Cotton erm, 450/4,99 Wool/Buds/ METI SA Tot) Products & GET the Cheapest Cola} Pa Coeeey Cy mS Lip Balm All Variants Lip Balm Colour All Variants 99S GNFOCCCNIDE Page 5

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