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Current special Checkers - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 28.11 to 25.12 - Page nb 1

Special Checkers 28.11.2022 - 25.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVOUR"“MOMENTS | with a special Christmas menu featuring Chef Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen | CAMEMBERT DELIGHTS, pg.3 Be te, a = Q@ ae @ j 1,1kg Forage and Feast Gammon - 199,99 mo @ J Jan Hendrik come m 4 D> “4 Ola Westhuize Ce a LUXURY Feurenrain wince pies! * > oe. WITH EASE 9 per pack Forage and Feast Mini Mixed Mince Pies - 59,99 1009/200g Forage and Feast Smoked Trout: CA ea ce aU nt Blech) SCAN FOR a JAN'S FESTIVE) *” Els RECIPES

Latest specials

SAVOUR"“MOMENTS | with a special Christmas menu featuring Chef Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen | CAMEMBERT DELIGHTS, pg.3 Be te, a = Q@ ae @ j 1,1kg Forage and Feast Gammon - 199,99 mo @ J Jan Hendrik come m 4 D> “4 Ola Westhuize Ce a LUXURY Feurenrain wince pies! * > oe. WITH EASE 9 per pack Forage and Feast Mini Mixed Mince Pies - 59,99 1009/200g Forage and Feast Smoked Trout: CA ea ce aU nt Blech) SCAN FOR a JAN'S FESTIVE) *” Els RECIPES

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