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Current special Checkers - Valid from 14.10 to 16.10 - Page nb 7

Special Checkers 14.10.2022 - 16.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

| SAVE R29] aa R69 DEAL err y xe . Perey jes Cem ue Clean “heer BY Cleaner Trager i FREE! Bessa ten) Ree ue Eee eee ota “s a x SAVE R49 FREE cst Dishwasher Tablets tc etn Ears ed reat Deed Ree Le eres SAVE R18 fa ! ‘ a4 mre XG lad FE 4 E 1 ary Demecion > Dk wemecaao r Pras) " Thick 3 Cia aI Bleach Sees Pi riper rr Pees D Pee eas BUY J & GETA3"° ears Ne Cen’ Fabric Conditioner Ce cae en sa] Cau ra Md Ec as) Peer od R50 x ered aed Tutty Tuffmax 5 Rd aan eee CTT Cec Peed ees Pee as Pere aos ee aad TRS Cee Ly oueko uta ee Cd ue Ph CTE e Pree) ILL

Latest specials

| SAVE R29] aa R69 DEAL err y xe . Perey jes Cem ue Clean “heer BY Cleaner Trager i FREE! Bessa ten) Ree ue Eee eee ota “s a x SAVE R49 FREE cst Dishwasher Tablets tc etn Ears ed reat Deed Ree Le eres SAVE R18 fa ! ‘ a4 mre XG lad FE 4 E 1 ary Demecion > Dk wemecaao r Pras) " Thick 3 Cia aI Bleach Sees Pi riper rr Pees D Pee eas BUY J & GETA3"° ears Ne Cen’ Fabric Conditioner Ce cae en sa] Cau ra Md Ec as) Peer od R50 x ered aed Tutty Tuffmax 5 Rd aan eee CTT Cec Peed ees Pee as Pere aos ee aad TRS Cee Ly oueko uta ee Cd ue Ph CTE e Pree) ILL

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