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Current special Boxer - Valid from 24.04 to 07.05 - Page nb 6

Special Boxer 24.04.2023 - 07.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

EVOLVE ‘SHIELD For Men Body Male / Female Lotion Assorted / Anti-Perspirant ‘Skin Science Body Roll On Lotion Assorted Ree TU RI ‘AQUASMILE EVOLVE COLGATE Plus Male / Female <DD, COLGATE <3) Charcoal Toothpaste | Toothpaste Anti-Perspirant ‘Triple Action S 100ml & COLGATE Assorted / Roll On Toothpaste j Charcoal Assorted Value Pack Double Action sone _ ‘Toothbrush \ A \ Ze q J a Ne | AN EVOLVE EVOLVE &> 360° Skin Science 360° Skin Science é 360° Skin Science Vanishing Cream | Tissue oil evel Gentle Daily Scrub & “ ©. matey (1 a BY % Y F ca? SE ity ISA - HY EVOLVE EVOLVE Skin Science Foam Bath 360° Skin Science Assorted 21 & Tissue Oil Cream ‘ALWAYS SAVLON EASY WAVES Maxi Sanitary Pads (Greene Rstaker Antiseptic B's /9's/ 10's ae Liquid \ yt = Nel y Blue Seal Pure Styling Gel Petroleum Jelly Panthenol ., Assorted Non aD Flaking

Latest specials

EVOLVE ‘SHIELD For Men Body Male / Female Lotion Assorted / Anti-Perspirant ‘Skin Science Body Roll On Lotion Assorted Ree TU RI ‘AQUASMILE EVOLVE COLGATE Plus Male / Female <DD, COLGATE <3) Charcoal Toothpaste | Toothpaste Anti-Perspirant ‘Triple Action S 100ml & COLGATE Assorted / Roll On Toothpaste j Charcoal Assorted Value Pack Double Action sone _ ‘Toothbrush \ A \ Ze q J a Ne | AN EVOLVE EVOLVE &> 360° Skin Science 360° Skin Science é 360° Skin Science Vanishing Cream | Tissue oil evel Gentle Daily Scrub & “ ©. matey (1 a BY % Y F ca? SE ity ISA - HY EVOLVE EVOLVE Skin Science Foam Bath 360° Skin Science Assorted 21 & Tissue Oil Cream ‘ALWAYS SAVLON EASY WAVES Maxi Sanitary Pads (Greene Rstaker Antiseptic B's /9's/ 10's ae Liquid \ yt = Nel y Blue Seal Pure Styling Gel Petroleum Jelly Panthenol ., Assorted Non aD Flaking

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