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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 02.09 to 08.09 - Page nb 3

Special Advance Cash&Carry 02.09.2024 - 08.09.2024

Products in this catalogue

(P= ADVANCE CASH & CARRY @ Ney ob ice c) Brown White ||Brown = 1 : / fSelatijsuoay White Sticks 5g x 1000's|} Lucky Star Fish Glenryck Fish Saldanha| oa x ° ‘Tis 00 0 Fish S Brown |) ULQA5 00) 2's| <caWhite |) teem EE ». | St 4 Koo Flair) Baked Beans Sup Tomco)) pecseeeea Lucky Star 4109 x 12 ~~ TOMCO Baked! Baked aoa Beans|| paral Beans Lucky Star Flair Flair} Everyday Rhodes! “Chakalak Ghakataka Chakalaka jakaleka| ¢ praia Hot & Spicy Carry a's Only Mix Veg in a ae! er Koo Veg cae Neg Everday} se Peas] ‘00 air) Butt SS a EveryDay| utter Finale © she Everyday) Butter’ Butter Beans i Veg SA|ChickPeas Beans = Beans s * tae 4 Hs TA My “es \ ; 1 m4 Koo) Everyday Rhodes: Rhodes. Everyday ep Buitter Hears Whole Cream Koo | = Spaghetti Spaghetti — Kernel Style! (coo) Sweetcorn stay size eee us; Corn Cream Style ie ‘ | \ j ae] : Og x 12's I 7 SS t eet Ai | NSS ime | Flair], Rhodes Tomato &} All Gold Tomato &|Miami Tomato Onion} EverydayTomato & All Gold; Miami} pees Tomato & Onion Mix i ix ion Mix} gy—=-Braai Relish! _.Braai Relish eos k g in x 13" = oll OO) 00 no =e 3] Tomato spamee lec Paste aa =o lice , Ea ey ‘ | “| 5 us S= a a) Every Day Tomato Puree Miami Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Tomato P ———-> - ‘Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna mereemlec celle! “a men/cirm ED Puree eee tts ( wa G soar 410 Savas i as eS ee j21° _ Koo Peach __ Koo Koo Koo! More Jam More Jamjiy Koll eos) Slices/ Halves Pineapple can Guava ¢ Pie Strawberry; 410 4 t 2 s 0 Rings Halves eh e j K m . ai Mama's GOTT tron | GOES im All Gold Jam Apricot Jam _ __Mixed Fruit} rps T , ere ween ™ a 25g x 6's i Peat Strawberry Jam > Apricot Jam ADVANCE a) | S/B 90 E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

(P= ADVANCE CASH & CARRY @ Ney ob ice c) Brown White ||Brown = 1 : / fSelatijsuoay White Sticks 5g x 1000's|} Lucky Star Fish Glenryck Fish Saldanha| oa x ° ‘Tis 00 0 Fish S Brown |) ULQA5 00) 2's| <caWhite |) teem EE ». | St 4 Koo Flair) Baked Beans Sup Tomco)) pecseeeea Lucky Star 4109 x 12 ~~ TOMCO Baked! Baked aoa Beans|| paral Beans Lucky Star Flair Flair} Everyday Rhodes! “Chakalak Ghakataka Chakalaka jakaleka| ¢ praia Hot & Spicy Carry a's Only Mix Veg in a ae! er Koo Veg cae Neg Everday} se Peas] ‘00 air) Butt SS a EveryDay| utter Finale © she Everyday) Butter’ Butter Beans i Veg SA|ChickPeas Beans = Beans s * tae 4 Hs TA My “es \ ; 1 m4 Koo) Everyday Rhodes: Rhodes. Everyday ep Buitter Hears Whole Cream Koo | = Spaghetti Spaghetti — Kernel Style! (coo) Sweetcorn stay size eee us; Corn Cream Style ie ‘ | \ j ae] : Og x 12's I 7 SS t eet Ai | NSS ime | Flair], Rhodes Tomato &} All Gold Tomato &|Miami Tomato Onion} EverydayTomato & All Gold; Miami} pees Tomato & Onion Mix i ix ion Mix} gy—=-Braai Relish! _.Braai Relish eos k g in x 13" = oll OO) 00 no =e 3] Tomato spamee lec Paste aa =o lice , Ea ey ‘ | “| 5 us S= a a) Every Day Tomato Puree Miami Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Tomato P ———-> - ‘Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna mereemlec celle! “a men/cirm ED Puree eee tts ( wa G soar 410 Savas i as eS ee j21° _ Koo Peach __ Koo Koo Koo! More Jam More Jamjiy Koll eos) Slices/ Halves Pineapple can Guava ¢ Pie Strawberry; 410 4 t 2 s 0 Rings Halves eh e j K m . ai Mama's GOTT tron | GOES im All Gold Jam Apricot Jam _ __Mixed Fruit} rps T , ere ween ™ a 25g x 6's i Peat Strawberry Jam > Apricot Jam ADVANCE a) | S/B 90 E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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