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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 02.09 to 08.09 - Page nb 13

Special Advance Cash&Carry 02.09.2024 - 08.09.2024

Products in this catalogue

Me OU EAA EOS Ae ADVANGE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 \ (P CASH & CARRY UO ENS CLUS CE el Ua a7 LOU STM Tea TT TG Lillets Essential Pads) Always Pads noel Littets Huggies Diapers 7's Long 4's B's/9's/10's x 4's 20 H ‘ ig as ~ Tampons ay Dry comtt BRE % Stay Free fl C P (0's FS ppp Pampers |B Baby Sotty Pads) Ee" Gall = em LA Ak As Diapers} s x et i Pak fee aun 20's S/M/LX Baby Panda/ Certainty Adu] ee Blossom| Tissue World | Denovo 195 Satin Touch r ‘Toilet 1 Ply Unwrapped] — M/L/XL er ee Toilet Paper} Toilet Popes Toilet Paper | cer ’ mE 9's 2ph a stig ace (t, (ae att ia ER m 32) al itin*Touch ‘J&d) ae Wipes Wipes Wipes 72s , oe ~ Sky Gily Toilet Paver Twin Saver Econo 2489s aly Wie Toilet Paper ae : <> Sead ren Saver}. Toilet = 18% 2ply White 2 RollerTowel 4 vate a RallerTowe!| Sent nl Sparkle Sparkle] 1% Magic Serienes “Face Mask Sree SD jTollet - e Kitchen Towel ae ¢ it a : ape ae Ot 2s Serviettes a eae TET Lee) | | : 4100's \2 | (3 Infrared } ‘a | mie ; (2) |(2 & Thermometer 20 F \, SaYnRce SRVARSS - = } ei f “es ~ aha : Savin Ansett | i eee ‘Aquatresh Oral BI Colgate] Colgate] Thermal Paper) Thermal Paper) Plastic Bag Black Tm x Toothbrush ri ot PP Doubte Action! Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 = = 9 reall 6's Card fToothBrushi 10's ' = Ti =: © ona) aN) as: o = =| PTS ' = S insta Braail ‘ =a Ld ss Fire Lighter Candles Xite Colour Caridles X lite White } canes "ED Candies| ee Candles. andles| a 999] |< o. ey Tol a / (is Aruif Stove Pineware Stove J diamond 2 Plate Spiral 2 Plate Spiral sive O@LAMOND O ‘lie aes car @ ®@ i+ Tuff One} Tully) Tuffy Hoh Foil Rineware rinewats 2 fl Retuse B: Refuse Bat efuse Bags = ordediKettie] /,gsteam Iron ar on) | Ee all i Indlovu) Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed alamine Lotion Senna Blue Stone 7 Alum gj Senna ji] Senna + | Leaves 2 ‘s 412x159 Leaves | PODS Pakmed Pn m5 jem Luma) ae) cw S bo | OS] RL ee | fe ae t ~~ Tetmosol | P Motolube ~ Total Ol] Engen Oil Healthy ist Buddies Dog Food| Gobtall MR SAE 40 Dog Foo eat i ma | = Boss | Whiskas Cat Food =e | LE. &0.E | We reserve the Tight to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only = 20 TKieen Methylated Haven Spirits | * l= oy nor: kill 1 = ra SAE 40 ae 40 Pakmed| ® 1 j Saul Bo ADVANCE: ) — ‘ood

Latest specials

Me OU EAA EOS Ae ADVANGE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 \ (P CASH & CARRY UO ENS CLUS CE el Ua a7 LOU STM Tea TT TG Lillets Essential Pads) Always Pads noel Littets Huggies Diapers 7's Long 4's B's/9's/10's x 4's 20 H ‘ ig as ~ Tampons ay Dry comtt BRE % Stay Free fl C P (0's FS ppp Pampers |B Baby Sotty Pads) Ee" Gall = em LA Ak As Diapers} s x et i Pak fee aun 20's S/M/LX Baby Panda/ Certainty Adu] ee Blossom| Tissue World | Denovo 195 Satin Touch r ‘Toilet 1 Ply Unwrapped] — M/L/XL er ee Toilet Paper} Toilet Popes Toilet Paper | cer ’ mE 9's 2ph a stig ace (t, (ae att ia ER m 32) al itin*Touch ‘J&d) ae Wipes Wipes Wipes 72s , oe ~ Sky Gily Toilet Paver Twin Saver Econo 2489s aly Wie Toilet Paper ae : <> Sead ren Saver}. Toilet = 18% 2ply White 2 RollerTowel 4 vate a RallerTowe!| Sent nl Sparkle Sparkle] 1% Magic Serienes “Face Mask Sree SD jTollet - e Kitchen Towel ae ¢ it a : ape ae Ot 2s Serviettes a eae TET Lee) | | : 4100's \2 | (3 Infrared } ‘a | mie ; (2) |(2 & Thermometer 20 F \, SaYnRce SRVARSS - = } ei f “es ~ aha : Savin Ansett | i eee ‘Aquatresh Oral BI Colgate] Colgate] Thermal Paper) Thermal Paper) Plastic Bag Black Tm x Toothbrush ri ot PP Doubte Action! Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 = = 9 reall 6's Card fToothBrushi 10's ' = Ti =: © ona) aN) as: o = =| PTS ' = S insta Braail ‘ =a Ld ss Fire Lighter Candles Xite Colour Caridles X lite White } canes "ED Candies| ee Candles. andles| a 999] |< o. ey Tol a / (is Aruif Stove Pineware Stove J diamond 2 Plate Spiral 2 Plate Spiral sive O@LAMOND O ‘lie aes car @ ®@ i+ Tuff One} Tully) Tuffy Hoh Foil Rineware rinewats 2 fl Retuse B: Refuse Bat efuse Bags = ordediKettie] /,gsteam Iron ar on) | Ee all i Indlovu) Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed alamine Lotion Senna Blue Stone 7 Alum gj Senna ji] Senna + | Leaves 2 ‘s 412x159 Leaves | PODS Pakmed Pn m5 jem Luma) ae) cw S bo | OS] RL ee | fe ae t ~~ Tetmosol | P Motolube ~ Total Ol] Engen Oil Healthy ist Buddies Dog Food| Gobtall MR SAE 40 Dog Foo eat i ma | = Boss | Whiskas Cat Food =e | LE. &0.E | We reserve the Tight to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only = 20 TKieen Methylated Haven Spirits | * l= oy nor: kill 1 = ra SAE 40 ae 40 Pakmed| ® 1 j Saul Bo ADVANCE: ) — ‘ood

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