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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 08.04 to 14.04 - Page nb 3

Special Advance Cash&Carry 08.04.2024 - 14.04.2024

Products in this catalogue

€ EV) Vv ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown White et Brown [Selati[Sugag] White Sticks 59x 1000's) Lucky Star Fish A seco 4009 x 12's ‘ Brown} WZA5 A ye a fore my| 98" [258 = 41344" 153" White , : EDerey ma Pls “ y 9°91 "4 sto ras Bull = 1 filchards Rhodes = Torco eaLucky Star Fears: Baked baled oe | Baked |_Beans | ried Beans}| ae Beans, . Uy Sere | ee Everyday Rhodes Lucky Star [Koo Chakakala tas “ae | je Curry iol picy si Only is ap ae Veg Koo Veg tay Ass Everday} = Koo) = Flair EveryDay Butter i Kod 2S me Garden Butter Butler Ez Beans Mix Veg a c Peas Beans Beans| 10; s i * Og x 12s Og x 12's 2 Og x | 1° Koo Everyday Koo! Rhodes’ Rhodes Everyday qabuttey Beans] Whole Whole Cream Everyday Koo | -<oeey, SPaahetti Spaghetti ee] Kernel Kernel Style oe Style Sweetcorn || feces (09 X 12'S Ai 0g x 12 re; a | Corn Corn | Corn “Sees sive f : | =] r ad Rhodes Tomato & | All Gold Tomato & |Miami Tomato Onion’ EverydayTonaiy & =, Flair Onion Mix Pnion Mix Mix 410) ion Mix \ ; ray os ; ADVANCE ts) Stone) EET ea I 3 12's Every Day Tomato Puree Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Tomato Puree} ‘Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna . 209 In Water / Oil 170: In Water/Oil 170g peer 3 ear AR, ri Koo Peach Koo Ko) Slices/ Halves i co Pie 4 ruil Cocktail | abs \ | idl Pe TF _ Mama's muned ration | [EITTTOES inn am “it All Gold Jam cot Jam ___Mixed Fruit) (7 a) - rare) Jam) ero S/B 9 9 6's oY $/B 45 2979) fee os | RD Strawberry Jam "Apricot Jam oe a 450 225g x G's 5 Ee 74509 x 12's 0 kone canny | [E&0£ We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

€ EV) Vv ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown White et Brown [Selati[Sugag] White Sticks 59x 1000's) Lucky Star Fish A seco 4009 x 12's ‘ Brown} WZA5 A ye a fore my| 98" [258 = 41344" 153" White , : EDerey ma Pls “ y 9°91 "4 sto ras Bull = 1 filchards Rhodes = Torco eaLucky Star Fears: Baked baled oe | Baked |_Beans | ried Beans}| ae Beans, . Uy Sere | ee Everyday Rhodes Lucky Star [Koo Chakakala tas “ae | je Curry iol picy si Only is ap ae Veg Koo Veg tay Ass Everday} = Koo) = Flair EveryDay Butter i Kod 2S me Garden Butter Butler Ez Beans Mix Veg a c Peas Beans Beans| 10; s i * Og x 12s Og x 12's 2 Og x | 1° Koo Everyday Koo! Rhodes’ Rhodes Everyday qabuttey Beans] Whole Whole Cream Everyday Koo | -<oeey, SPaahetti Spaghetti ee] Kernel Kernel Style oe Style Sweetcorn || feces (09 X 12'S Ai 0g x 12 re; a | Corn Corn | Corn “Sees sive f : | =] r ad Rhodes Tomato & | All Gold Tomato & |Miami Tomato Onion’ EverydayTonaiy & =, Flair Onion Mix Pnion Mix Mix 410) ion Mix \ ; ray os ; ADVANCE ts) Stone) EET ea I 3 12's Every Day Tomato Puree Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Tomato Puree} ‘Sardines Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna . 209 In Water / Oil 170: In Water/Oil 170g peer 3 ear AR, ri Koo Peach Koo Ko) Slices/ Halves i co Pie 4 ruil Cocktail | abs \ | idl Pe TF _ Mama's muned ration | [EITTTOES inn am “it All Gold Jam cot Jam ___Mixed Fruit) (7 a) - rare) Jam) ero S/B 9 9 6's oY $/B 45 2979) fee os | RD Strawberry Jam "Apricot Jam oe a 450 225g x G's 5 Ee 74509 x 12's 0 kone canny | [E&0£ We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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