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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 08.04 to 14.04 - Page nb 13

Special Advance Cash&Carry 08.04.2024 - 14.04.2024

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Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria | ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CASH & CARRY Monday 8th April until Sunday 14th April 2024 OWASSO aT ea DT TTT Lillets Essential Pads} Always Pads Conte Huggies Diapers 7s Long 4's Use xt's ‘ oat ie Littets iy Comte hin = Tampons I abionibe Pack x ieee Baby Softy Diapers 20's Stay Free | © g: Liklets Pads| Pads | Pw Lillets 30 a in Essential x's} iets) Bika 2 Bulk Pack 0's § 39] | eed] D ri ‘ =~ Baby Panda Certainty Adult) amuses aS Blossom, Tissue World J Denovo Baby Soft Diapers) §=M/L/XL 10's x 4 Lfead Toilet Paper Toilet Paper jf oHet bn) Toilet Paper| mt non a's iy 48's | PaPer E ts 0 | chit EE 2G ryse 2p Toilet Paper | had) ewes t “ios 8 yii0's ly | ee LO BRP 40's | fi ir sa mn ! Par ela ee St | ae ‘Twin Saver Econo 205, 8s ply White rr = a <> Toilet Paper 1g j my f Fr a ft 2 seit ies Tse as <—: ee ft ty ‘Cherubs Pampers| Huggies| win Saver}. » Toilet Paper | = Wipes Wipes: Wipes} Yasue Tas 3 105 45 RolerTowe Sparkle a Kitchen Towel Sparkle} ‘ Ot 2s Serviettes 2a a Touch fj i : PR Infrared] Tissue Ht | rk ee Thermometer 1 1 = 30 Nw eptic Liguit ‘Aquatresh Oral B Colgate Colgate] Thermal Paper) Thermal Paperl) Plastic Bag Black Toothbrush Joothbrush th Brushes) (Double Action Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 Mini 100's es C by = 100's : 4 - insta Braail Marois Parl OQ Q Fire Lighter} . itel on 2 Costas: BR 5 X lite White ADVANCE a Mh ! D ite Colour | =: Gantles é Candles 6 } Candles i 2x6's] Ee 25x6's = 2 9904 i; 4491-143: co Lighters cad = ea “aga NY aeaeere, Aruit sare Pineware Stove Batara/ Lion @ E . Nice Cooker Matas | Nese Matches} oe ©_® lev, 33 3 ey” i 5° eo. 2 i Pineware Tuff One} Tully) Tuffy Light Foil Wrap it Foil Rineware Steam Iron Refuse Bags} | & })Refuse Bags em PR Corded|Kettle 1® x 8) Lis wie \ oad — LE a Indlovul Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed ae i | Senna) plg@zzBlue Stone) jam Alum Senna Senna Alum) = @ | Leaves 259 x 12's be 2x15g Leaves 2. rig ls Pakmed 124 ia ac ane ~~ Tetmosol - Motolube) ‘Total Oil Engen ol) ‘Tea Pa] Buddies Dog Food, ~~~ «Soba “001 Med Soap SAE 40 SAE 40) MB SAE 40 Dog Foo lind Tkg ee ae Tetmosol ~_catmor "Top Cat Cat Food Boss Caring Spirits Kleen Methylated Ha Haven ie fe cto ood aa Food —~ | it quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only E.&0.E | We reserve the right to lii

Latest specials

Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria | ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CASH & CARRY Monday 8th April until Sunday 14th April 2024 OWASSO aT ea DT TTT Lillets Essential Pads} Always Pads Conte Huggies Diapers 7s Long 4's Use xt's ‘ oat ie Littets iy Comte hin = Tampons I abionibe Pack x ieee Baby Softy Diapers 20's Stay Free | © g: Liklets Pads| Pads | Pw Lillets 30 a in Essential x's} iets) Bika 2 Bulk Pack 0's § 39] | eed] D ri ‘ =~ Baby Panda Certainty Adult) amuses aS Blossom, Tissue World J Denovo Baby Soft Diapers) §=M/L/XL 10's x 4 Lfead Toilet Paper Toilet Paper jf oHet bn) Toilet Paper| mt non a's iy 48's | PaPer E ts 0 | chit EE 2G ryse 2p Toilet Paper | had) ewes t “ios 8 yii0's ly | ee LO BRP 40's | fi ir sa mn ! Par ela ee St | ae ‘Twin Saver Econo 205, 8s ply White rr = a <> Toilet Paper 1g j my f Fr a ft 2 seit ies Tse as <—: ee ft ty ‘Cherubs Pampers| Huggies| win Saver}. » Toilet Paper | = Wipes Wipes: Wipes} Yasue Tas 3 105 45 RolerTowe Sparkle a Kitchen Towel Sparkle} ‘ Ot 2s Serviettes 2a a Touch fj i : PR Infrared] Tissue Ht | rk ee Thermometer 1 1 = 30 Nw eptic Liguit ‘Aquatresh Oral B Colgate Colgate] Thermal Paper) Thermal Paperl) Plastic Bag Black Toothbrush Joothbrush th Brushes) (Double Action Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 Mini 100's es C by = 100's : 4 - insta Braail Marois Parl OQ Q Fire Lighter} . itel on 2 Costas: BR 5 X lite White ADVANCE a Mh ! D ite Colour | =: Gantles é Candles 6 } Candles i 2x6's] Ee 25x6's = 2 9904 i; 4491-143: co Lighters cad = ea “aga NY aeaeere, Aruit sare Pineware Stove Batara/ Lion @ E . Nice Cooker Matas | Nese Matches} oe ©_® lev, 33 3 ey” i 5° eo. 2 i Pineware Tuff One} Tully) Tuffy Light Foil Wrap it Foil Rineware Steam Iron Refuse Bags} | & })Refuse Bags em PR Corded|Kettle 1® x 8) Lis wie \ oad — LE a Indlovul Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed ae i | Senna) plg@zzBlue Stone) jam Alum Senna Senna Alum) = @ | Leaves 259 x 12's be 2x15g Leaves 2. rig ls Pakmed 124 ia ac ane ~~ Tetmosol - Motolube) ‘Total Oil Engen ol) ‘Tea Pa] Buddies Dog Food, ~~~ «Soba “001 Med Soap SAE 40 SAE 40) MB SAE 40 Dog Foo lind Tkg ee ae Tetmosol ~_catmor "Top Cat Cat Food Boss Caring Spirits Kleen Methylated Ha Haven ie fe cto ood aa Food —~ | it quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only E.&0.E | We reserve the right to lii

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