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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 05.06 to 11.06 - Page nb 6

Special Advance Cash&Carry 05.06.2023 - 11.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

ES Pd . ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 _¥~_CASH & CARRY LENE eS AN ea TOL Bokomo Corn Flakes } Kelloggs Corn Flakes | Bokomo Weet Bix | Kellog S All Bran soq j Early Morning} Laitaliana Bokomo Jungle La Italiana ; = uy 50 G " Oats Oats __Oats Dats Munchies: mn : 7509 |) ae Cipoce = a Fate WEF em) BI al) cae Oats ’ a 2 tka Hy Super White} Super Sun| White Star} Morvite Nestle Britannia OQuma Instant} Instant Instant} Instant | Cerelac Heider Milk) Rusks rridge| (47. Porridge Porridge Porridge } p 2509 vag Corn 500 Os 1kg x 10's} Ae 1kg x 10' 3 } qillakes ~_ i C Frisco Coffee Ricoffy “sou Ricoffy Nescafe ‘Acel Tekker Cotfee 1250 x Kloof Coffee Cappuccino Coffee) | == Hug in a) ( Mug Cappuccino ‘ a : ws Lo One on Teabags Teaspoon Tips || Glen Teabags JOKO, ee Teabags | os. 95 Siips| Soe P Fo=a aes ei 05 sup =: 24 <3 Trineg Teabos Nescafe Classic | Jacobs Kronung Coffee ae F Nestum| "« 52 tisco SR ch i i No1 “al ee |r| & cet ep toe antics BB) sola a 00 > 6UU) b — Eleven O'Clock Rooibos) Freshpak Rooibos [Laager Rooibos, VGinger Tea Green Tea lr im i First Choice | Ultra Mel Custard Clover First | lover Fat eal 2 Gatte Eggs Large p Custard - iL} amasi| = Choice xs ave Bae 25 Doze ke Clover e uy vig, Pd 2Li} op) Amasi Pr a Medium PT we a Cuppa 60 Clover Kreema} => Creamer ; Custard i EB 3 os Anm| Ge | ’ s 500miy 0% Da Saal — Gale 9 ol" Farmgate aeFirst Choice) Ultra Mel Milk = Clover DewFresh Parmalat a Milk’ Mi ——_ ; EverFresh Gu Bonnita) pean | 2 Prisma Milk] Cheese Slices! Lt tL Parmalat ) suai milk Milk ai Milk creer) 41 t y G's 0 2 he : re 5) cit ig ; f Clover First Choice Ronn aru a Wooden Spoon Rama} d'lite Blossom ove No 4 Margarine} Margarine Margarine Cheese Slices cheese Ste as Margarine CT 5000) thy Tub sy tig Tub . oe r First Choice | a » 5 Butter 5009) Ti | Nes ts] y B ss g - ey Rama, = Evia = “@ Holsum Fat} Solditead Goldi Goldi Rainbow ‘Dayiteuk Rainbow & Feet i i Country Ee White 125 cree oti Mata SOUP Pack Chicken anoow Range" eeg ea uarters ea Pack : on 0 0 licken Braai 2's O's wa | ©22)) c= (ene 2kg 10 Inkuku Pack soe | fr i 8000x8S axre aa) | [Bran = Cee aera =e as E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

ES Pd . ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 _¥~_CASH & CARRY LENE eS AN ea TOL Bokomo Corn Flakes } Kelloggs Corn Flakes | Bokomo Weet Bix | Kellog S All Bran soq j Early Morning} Laitaliana Bokomo Jungle La Italiana ; = uy 50 G " Oats Oats __Oats Dats Munchies: mn : 7509 |) ae Cipoce = a Fate WEF em) BI al) cae Oats ’ a 2 tka Hy Super White} Super Sun| White Star} Morvite Nestle Britannia OQuma Instant} Instant Instant} Instant | Cerelac Heider Milk) Rusks rridge| (47. Porridge Porridge Porridge } p 2509 vag Corn 500 Os 1kg x 10's} Ae 1kg x 10' 3 } qillakes ~_ i C Frisco Coffee Ricoffy “sou Ricoffy Nescafe ‘Acel Tekker Cotfee 1250 x Kloof Coffee Cappuccino Coffee) | == Hug in a) ( Mug Cappuccino ‘ a : ws Lo One on Teabags Teaspoon Tips || Glen Teabags JOKO, ee Teabags | os. 95 Siips| Soe P Fo=a aes ei 05 sup =: 24 <3 Trineg Teabos Nescafe Classic | Jacobs Kronung Coffee ae F Nestum| "« 52 tisco SR ch i i No1 “al ee |r| & cet ep toe antics BB) sola a 00 > 6UU) b — Eleven O'Clock Rooibos) Freshpak Rooibos [Laager Rooibos, VGinger Tea Green Tea lr im i First Choice | Ultra Mel Custard Clover First | lover Fat eal 2 Gatte Eggs Large p Custard - iL} amasi| = Choice xs ave Bae 25 Doze ke Clover e uy vig, Pd 2Li} op) Amasi Pr a Medium PT we a Cuppa 60 Clover Kreema} => Creamer ; Custard i EB 3 os Anm| Ge | ’ s 500miy 0% Da Saal — Gale 9 ol" Farmgate aeFirst Choice) Ultra Mel Milk = Clover DewFresh Parmalat a Milk’ Mi ——_ ; EverFresh Gu Bonnita) pean | 2 Prisma Milk] Cheese Slices! Lt tL Parmalat ) suai milk Milk ai Milk creer) 41 t y G's 0 2 he : re 5) cit ig ; f Clover First Choice Ronn aru a Wooden Spoon Rama} d'lite Blossom ove No 4 Margarine} Margarine Margarine Cheese Slices cheese Ste as Margarine CT 5000) thy Tub sy tig Tub . oe r First Choice | a » 5 Butter 5009) Ti | Nes ts] y B ss g - ey Rama, = Evia = “@ Holsum Fat} Solditead Goldi Goldi Rainbow ‘Dayiteuk Rainbow & Feet i i Country Ee White 125 cree oti Mata SOUP Pack Chicken anoow Range" eeg ea uarters ea Pack : on 0 0 licken Braai 2's O's wa | ©22)) c= (ene 2kg 10 Inkuku Pack soe | fr i 8000x8S axre aa) | [Bran = Cee aera =e as E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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