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Current special House & Home - Valid from 22.05 to 04.06 - Page nb 1

Special House & Home 22.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

oc. Be a a ON SELECTED PRODUCTS IN-STORE ONLY. WHILE STOCKS LAST. $-Piece Montreal Recliner Lounge * Accessories not included Pee ree ue Cle tal pe esa ees 5 R uso avaan.e rode) AEG SAMSUNG FwHo LED TV UASSNGOOOAUXKE 3999, Save R1000, " @ter) teow Uasanssoonrxca = BB Le yy = 2-Year Guarantee Cid eR ES TV: 2699 : y Rope 70 Patio Set with IE) SAavessoree notiiched There’s no place like House &llomeks Fe EAN eee er

Latest specials

oc. Be a a ON SELECTED PRODUCTS IN-STORE ONLY. WHILE STOCKS LAST. $-Piece Montreal Recliner Lounge * Accessories not included Pee ree ue Cle tal pe esa ees 5 R uso avaan.e rode) AEG SAMSUNG FwHo LED TV UASSNGOOOAUXKE 3999, Save R1000, " @ter) teow Uasanssoonrxca = BB Le yy = 2-Year Guarantee Cid eR ES TV: 2699 : y Rope 70 Patio Set with IE) SAavessoree notiiched There’s no place like House &llomeks Fe EAN eee er

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