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Current special House & Home - Valid from 22.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 2

Special House & Home 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

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BER ces | fa [@) arn TH 1710mm TH 1700mmn H 170mm I Ww storm Ww econ || ORR IE 2:0rm | Sezinan D 670mm D 641mm P11999 Fiscrsrenea = P1699 WelcWaterontop P3699 Oc Stainless Steel Side-by-Side Matt Black InstaView Water-on-Tap Water-on-Tap Freezer-Fridge Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge Bottom-Freezer Fridge RS52N3B13S8 GC-x247CQBV H610BS-WD * 2-Year Guarantee * 2-Year Guarantee * 4-Year Guarantee * Contents not included L 1 WARRANTY 10 WARRANTY eee ENERGY \y ENERGY eee eee a RATING Hi 176emm pe 1H. 1756mm. W 794mm D 675mm W 912mm A Lez ener D 672mm W 972mm SERVICES

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BER ces | fa [@) arn TH 1710mm TH 1700mmn H 170mm I Ww storm Ww econ || ORR IE 2:0rm | Sezinan D 670mm D 641mm P11999 Fiscrsrenea = P1699 WelcWaterontop P3699 Oc Stainless Steel Side-by-Side Matt Black InstaView Water-on-Tap Water-on-Tap Freezer-Fridge Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge Bottom-Freezer Fridge RS52N3B13S8 GC-x247CQBV H610BS-WD * 2-Year Guarantee * 2-Year Guarantee * 4-Year Guarantee * Contents not included L 1 WARRANTY 10 WARRANTY eee ENERGY \y ENERGY eee eee a RATING Hi 176emm pe 1H. 1756mm. W 794mm D 675mm W 912mm A Lez ener D 672mm W 972mm SERVICES

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