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Current special Baby City - Black Friday 2025 - Valid from 25.11 to 01.12 - Page nb 1

Special Baby City 25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

Sg * figs pes ae Qvaty Baby Products 5 oa) Price per Nappy Size 5 (MB) 111-pack "a Si 420-pack "3 . Nappies 100-pack "a Leon 96-pack "3 By Price per Nappy Sze 1)" 7epack ete Size 2(M) 59-pack % ) S9K9 Se-pack"2" Bl Sze 2 Save VP}2na6 packs 72°" ‘i S23) espacne= IMM Sco : + Size 3 Size 4(xL) —54-pack "2" x 2-pack "3" MM Size 4 12kg+_100-pack M™ Bepanthen _ og Bay hsp ca BS ‘Bepaninen ‘Olniirn Pouches ‘110ml /Assorted aron R36 felines 99 ses 0 Ny : = Ri 69° Baas) 1 5' 2 ’, SS ao ee ae conte S 3 by Ths. stati Skin and Baby oa hoe Lnedemygr ron R36 R134” — RO9%. R39” i “Offer excludes Purity Organic range ee Mauadounaa Care) Me a UR Travel System 50% OFF Black Baby Things “term ton Strollers, Travel Systems SoA aid ack corcoek CarSeats* Large shopping basket aD Ri 649% ‘Apache Jogger Booster Car Seat ‘Travel System Solely + This car seat can be used Charcoal Car Seat with or without a backrest, Oxford Grey + Fed win point react all depends on he weight Chippewa ‘Rear axewithbrake _* Contains 3 dif andthe age ofthe child Carry Cot Bled eng ete persgiietiany yiael iaclr * Compatible with + Easy fo ure install and remove + Great for the outdoors ble vehicle Chippewa Travel R799°° ae ee a cn ee ee ‘Sale products may vary from photographs. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Offers may not be availabe at all stores. Prices include VAT and are valid for cash or credit card R2499% R849 R499° ‘Ofer only applicable on the above Baby Things products See Lee ena aes Gea oe eed

Latest specials

Sg * figs pes ae Qvaty Baby Products 5 oa) Price per Nappy Size 5 (MB) 111-pack "a Si 420-pack "3 . Nappies 100-pack "a Leon 96-pack "3 By Price per Nappy Sze 1)" 7epack ete Size 2(M) 59-pack % ) S9K9 Se-pack"2" Bl Sze 2 Save VP}2na6 packs 72°" ‘i S23) espacne= IMM Sco : + Size 3 Size 4(xL) —54-pack "2" x 2-pack "3" MM Size 4 12kg+_100-pack M™ Bepanthen _ og Bay hsp ca BS ‘Bepaninen ‘Olniirn Pouches ‘110ml /Assorted aron R36 felines 99 ses 0 Ny : = Ri 69° Baas) 1 5' 2 ’, SS ao ee ae conte S 3 by Ths. stati Skin and Baby oa hoe Lnedemygr ron R36 R134” — RO9%. R39” i “Offer excludes Purity Organic range ee Mauadounaa Care) Me a UR Travel System 50% OFF Black Baby Things “term ton Strollers, Travel Systems SoA aid ack corcoek CarSeats* Large shopping basket aD Ri 649% ‘Apache Jogger Booster Car Seat ‘Travel System Solely + This car seat can be used Charcoal Car Seat with or without a backrest, Oxford Grey + Fed win point react all depends on he weight Chippewa ‘Rear axewithbrake _* Contains 3 dif andthe age ofthe child Carry Cot Bled eng ete persgiietiany yiael iaclr * Compatible with + Easy fo ure install and remove + Great for the outdoors ble vehicle Chippewa Travel R799°° ae ee a cn ee ee ‘Sale products may vary from photographs. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Offers may not be availabe at all stores. Prices include VAT and are valid for cash or credit card R2499% R849 R499° ‘Ofer only applicable on the above Baby Things products See Lee ena aes Gea oe eed

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