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Current special President Hyper - Heritage Day - Valid from 20.09 to 26.09 - Page nb 7

Special President Hyper 20.09.2022 - 26.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

f president a Aaa Ce ea Protection } } Pgs 2 | 5 2 SB) wll ra Ao aoe BLUE [o) Colgate Deodorant be Toothpaste 150ml / 125ml / Vaseline [ORS Dettol Maximum Playgirl Blue Seal ey Hygiene Cavity Ladies Petroleum Soap Bars Protection Deodorant Jelly 2x 175g 2: x 100ml = 90mi 2x 450mIi . oe Mousson Luxury Foam Bath 2Lt Get a Clere Saves zat Slorganics Pure & Protect CONDITIONER Shampoo / Hand Sanitiser Conditioner / Satiskin a 2in4 Shower Gels Pump Bottles 4Lt 2x Lt litlets. 100 pantyliners Facial Tissues:- Original Box 90's / Ue Essentials Balsam Box 56's / . Pantyliners:- Expressions 56's / Nivea Scented / The Original Body Lotion / \ unscented Pocket Pack Cream Lil-lets ap Se Ox \ Nestlé - V] Nestum ‘ Ba Baby Cereal 5 Purity — plant Add any Baby 3rd Foods 4009 Johnson’s io ‘marae Milk 8 Months Baby Powder 5009 P 500g === 5 x 200mI 2x 400g Offers valid from Tuesday 20 September 2022 till Monday 26 September 2022 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T’s & C’s apply

Latest specials

f president a Aaa Ce ea Protection } } Pgs 2 | 5 2 SB) wll ra Ao aoe BLUE [o) Colgate Deodorant be Toothpaste 150ml / 125ml / Vaseline [ORS Dettol Maximum Playgirl Blue Seal ey Hygiene Cavity Ladies Petroleum Soap Bars Protection Deodorant Jelly 2x 175g 2: x 100ml = 90mi 2x 450mIi . oe Mousson Luxury Foam Bath 2Lt Get a Clere Saves zat Slorganics Pure & Protect CONDITIONER Shampoo / Hand Sanitiser Conditioner / Satiskin a 2in4 Shower Gels Pump Bottles 4Lt 2x Lt litlets. 100 pantyliners Facial Tissues:- Original Box 90's / Ue Essentials Balsam Box 56's / . Pantyliners:- Expressions 56's / Nivea Scented / The Original Body Lotion / \ unscented Pocket Pack Cream Lil-lets ap Se Ox \ Nestlé - V] Nestum ‘ Ba Baby Cereal 5 Purity — plant Add any Baby 3rd Foods 4009 Johnson’s io ‘marae Milk 8 Months Baby Powder 5009 P 500g === 5 x 200mI 2x 400g Offers valid from Tuesday 20 September 2022 till Monday 26 September 2022 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T’s & C’s apply

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