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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAMSUNG P4999 wre PAGQG wamatincrey P7AQG Gerericaie, Twin-Tub Top-Loader Deposit P200. Deposit P460. Deposit P750. 89x 30 Months, Washing 199 x30 Months. Washing Machine —— p3p3 30 Months WAP IECOBY Total Payable P2589 Machine Total Payable P5709 DTL160 Tota Payable Pazig ° G at 24% Int. DTT169 at 24% Int. © 2-Year Warranty ‘at 24% Int. juarantee 4 q P Slimline P. 600E Metallic P ‘CASH PRICE P1299 Black Hob with P2799 Oven DBO487E P4g9 10-Piece Peo ioMons. Control Panel —Piigx Jo Months. * 3-Year ce Aluminium + Total Payable P1749 DHD415 Total Payable Pasig Warranty eee. Pot Set at 24% int © 2-Year Warranty at24% int Toa Paya P69 JT at 24% It eiga) Lae Seema ely 7 ENERGY RATING P399 Univa SAVEP100 (DEF _ = Deposit P40. P Metallic 20x 30 Months, 3-Plate Plug-in 999 Cockeiood Total Payable P69 Stove U305| Deposit P100. DCH291M at 24% Int © 2-Year P49 x 30 Months a © 2-Year Warrant! Guarantee Tota Payable P1389 " "1 sureyraennnnny SAVE P1 SAVE P50 (i SAVE bennetteread PQQQ__ SiverMirror-Door P4399 Mirror-Door PQggQg —2Plate ic Mi Mini Oven _ Manual Microwave Electronic Microwave posit P100, Deposit P140. Deposit P100. P49x 30 Months, Oven DMO20S P6930 Months, Oven DMO390 49 x 30 Months Total Payable P1360 Total Payable P1869 © 9OOW Total Payable P1360 at 24% Int at 24% Int, * 2-Year Warranty at 24% Int P1399 P27999 . P27999 17999 Deposit P140. a kit 6B 30 Months J @ Russell Hobbs WAHT? man Glass [Steam tron SOP once Kettle RHI2010BL Enay oat GRK-017 * 2000W asy Cul Haircutting Manual Air Fryer Kit DAF7003B ¢ 1300W

Latest specials

SAMSUNG P4999 wre PAGQG wamatincrey P7AQG Gerericaie, Twin-Tub Top-Loader Deposit P200. Deposit P460. Deposit P750. 89x 30 Months, Washing 199 x30 Months. Washing Machine —— p3p3 30 Months WAP IECOBY Total Payable P2589 Machine Total Payable P5709 DTL160 Tota Payable Pazig ° G at 24% Int. DTT169 at 24% Int. © 2-Year Warranty ‘at 24% Int. juarantee 4 q P Slimline P. 600E Metallic P ‘CASH PRICE P1299 Black Hob with P2799 Oven DBO487E P4g9 10-Piece Peo ioMons. Control Panel —Piigx Jo Months. * 3-Year ce Aluminium + Total Payable P1749 DHD415 Total Payable Pasig Warranty eee. Pot Set at 24% int © 2-Year Warranty at24% int Toa Paya P69 JT at 24% It eiga) Lae Seema ely 7 ENERGY RATING P399 Univa SAVEP100 (DEF _ = Deposit P40. P Metallic 20x 30 Months, 3-Plate Plug-in 999 Cockeiood Total Payable P69 Stove U305| Deposit P100. DCH291M at 24% Int © 2-Year P49 x 30 Months a © 2-Year Warrant! Guarantee Tota Payable P1389 " "1 sureyraennnnny SAVE P1 SAVE P50 (i SAVE bennetteread PQQQ__ SiverMirror-Door P4399 Mirror-Door PQggQg —2Plate ic Mi Mini Oven _ Manual Microwave Electronic Microwave posit P100, Deposit P140. Deposit P100. P49x 30 Months, Oven DMO20S P6930 Months, Oven DMO390 49 x 30 Months Total Payable P1360 Total Payable P1869 © 9OOW Total Payable P1360 at 24% Int at 24% Int, * 2-Year Warranty at 24% Int P1399 P27999 . P27999 17999 Deposit P140. a kit 6B 30 Months J @ Russell Hobbs WAHT? man Glass [Steam tron SOP once Kettle RHI2010BL Enay oat GRK-017 * 2000W asy Cul Haircutting Manual Air Fryer Kit DAF7003B ¢ 1300W

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