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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 09.01 to 22.01 - Page nb 6

Special OK Furniture 09.01.2023 - 22.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

TOP-QUALITY APPLIANCES FOR LESS M209 — arose, geo eee Petes Top-Freezer ees eae Re ew aales* 3 M249 x 30 Months. Fridge with Water s Total Payable M4779 KTF518/2 ede ene} Total Peart Tea er Aaees Pera Je mers eee 2-Year Guarantee eS ais "4999 Sy M500 ce ENERGY NERGY ENERGY RATING RATING. H) 1600mm a | 42oeren H_ 1590mm ‘W. 500mm, W 540mm. Biase W 600mm D 587mm a D 618mm ™ M1999 M7499 129 x fonths. 87% : 00 30 Mont aoe ee Total as wa49 at 24% Int. Side-by-Side pars. White Freezer-Fridge H| 74mm Chest Freezer with Water Dispenser W 1751mm KCG570/2 DFF447/458 D_ 680mm * 2-Year °342 Years Guarantee (with registration) Cs Warranty ~ ra: ie Pee acc Payable M CCE eas { | pp PRICE iL) White fan faa Freez P reezer ENERGY RATING. KCG210/2 RATING H 861mm * 2-Year H| 1785mm wi 7eemm Guarantee W 910mm Sige D 700mm AVAILABLE tom deposit. up to 6 months to pay. interest-free. No monthly service fee. Ts

Latest specials

TOP-QUALITY APPLIANCES FOR LESS M209 — arose, geo eee Petes Top-Freezer ees eae Re ew aales* 3 M249 x 30 Months. Fridge with Water s Total Payable M4779 KTF518/2 ede ene} Total Peart Tea er Aaees Pera Je mers eee 2-Year Guarantee eS ais "4999 Sy M500 ce ENERGY NERGY ENERGY RATING RATING. H) 1600mm a | 42oeren H_ 1590mm ‘W. 500mm, W 540mm. Biase W 600mm D 587mm a D 618mm ™ M1999 M7499 129 x fonths. 87% : 00 30 Mont aoe ee Total as wa49 at 24% Int. Side-by-Side pars. White Freezer-Fridge H| 74mm Chest Freezer with Water Dispenser W 1751mm KCG570/2 DFF447/458 D_ 680mm * 2-Year °342 Years Guarantee (with registration) Cs Warranty ~ ra: ie Pee acc Payable M CCE eas { | pp PRICE iL) White fan faa Freez P reezer ENERGY RATING. KCG210/2 RATING H 861mm * 2-Year H| 1785mm wi 7eemm Guarantee W 910mm Sige D 700mm AVAILABLE tom deposit. up to 6 months to pay. interest-free. No monthly service fee. Ts

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