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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.12 to 04.01 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 22.12.2022 - 04.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

Low Fat Smooth Nl Fresh Mik oy a a Yoghurt Cheese Loaf (Full Cream Blend {All variants) fe Eat a variants) ———— a) — as OS & q z ‘ | (Gonnita)) q vr Cheddar DANONE DAIRYMAID LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Farmhouse Ice Cream Tub lem) Mozzarella Loaf Processed Cheese Slices (al verons) (At arin ol J #225kg (Al verons ao ae sie ss bs e (Cheddar or Gouda) +£2.25 kg FLORA RAMA STORK ESKORT RAINBOW 50% Fat Spread Tubs | Original 70% Fat ds : Red or Smoked Viennas | Simply Chicken Polony (A ein Spread Bricks Baking Margarine Bricks (Alero (Alveren PLO eR chen Cee Sed ener ect) pasar ead Poa ee ae) 85 oo 8 52/2022 Mokro. CAP Food Month End KZN Promotion valid from Thuriday 22 December 2022 o Wednesday 4 Jonvary 2023, 99 ‘SUREFRESH NEW ERA NEW ERA Frozen Chips Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs 25i9 a7 kp Ske NO VAT . \ . Sartre e & = P a = | han aA 5 | } " ( a ¢ ) TCHERY eke | ee Es eon ent) S - : ay MAMA'S TODAY P 18 ARO Pies Puff Pastry nid Hake Fillets Bulk Crumbed Chicken (A verons) : 3 & ce) eee Cle (ron oy - eS Ga ree ao | ome | Sas es FR ~ — = Ss Tp B= F TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 ro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit Tips gars Sed onl pi mh carl opp. Saigo ied ain Nao hav wc uel oped Gord Sad ogo ce ied aa wil ere a ave ‘en dame opted dong Moko kl wa rn los dare elon son oolong os en incl rch onc we ilo cone sor ‘lier you o recone ond tomporoblecheryciswh fe sre produc specions bt wilod gvrenesng ta dacoun/ feo he crate pode. Me mde ocors in ch cavern or neon lores {prot wa wel play onoce tore wo the crre dette For bok pols, ony odverhued price par unt wl only opel i you by the ak pack. Prices sco cccenais ved fr dip purpose and inde 5%, VAT fw ler the produc! ndhaduly os wal, onaber pice wil ppt the nid pres, ox pr he adverivorent Mossman Seces Py id son Authorised Fanci Sees Ponder (FP Lcrse No 149726} unerwrien by Mua & Fede Rik Fmancing, Mekro Cet ckimer.“* Moni stalin ncudes cord fen, ond camer protean masrance ond eres ot 20.25% po. “Tol Rapes nes cord fees, csomer protection surance ond irs ot 20.25% po. "ere! Res ae suet o change Al prices oe irda ond cual repoymens may vory bowed on ocount chy. Feo subject a chonge based on lite fk rl, Repayment epons Revehing, 24-manih budget end 36 mont budge Powered by RCS, a roger Cred ond auhorted Financial Series Prod NRCP 38/SP 44a8 makro my

Latest specials

Low Fat Smooth Nl Fresh Mik oy a a Yoghurt Cheese Loaf (Full Cream Blend {All variants) fe Eat a variants) ———— a) — as OS & q z ‘ | (Gonnita)) q vr Cheddar DANONE DAIRYMAID LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Farmhouse Ice Cream Tub lem) Mozzarella Loaf Processed Cheese Slices (al verons) (At arin ol J #225kg (Al verons ao ae sie ss bs e (Cheddar or Gouda) +£2.25 kg FLORA RAMA STORK ESKORT RAINBOW 50% Fat Spread Tubs | Original 70% Fat ds : Red or Smoked Viennas | Simply Chicken Polony (A ein Spread Bricks Baking Margarine Bricks (Alero (Alveren PLO eR chen Cee Sed ener ect) pasar ead Poa ee ae) 85 oo 8 52/2022 Mokro. CAP Food Month End KZN Promotion valid from Thuriday 22 December 2022 o Wednesday 4 Jonvary 2023, 99 ‘SUREFRESH NEW ERA NEW ERA Frozen Chips Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs 25i9 a7 kp Ske NO VAT . \ . Sartre e & = P a = | han aA 5 | } " ( a ¢ ) TCHERY eke | ee Es eon ent) S - : ay MAMA'S TODAY P 18 ARO Pies Puff Pastry nid Hake Fillets Bulk Crumbed Chicken (A verons) : 3 & ce) eee Cle (ron oy - eS Ga ree ao | ome | Sas es FR ~ — = Ss Tp B= F TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 ro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit Tips gars Sed onl pi mh carl opp. Saigo ied ain Nao hav wc uel oped Gord Sad ogo ce ied aa wil ere a ave ‘en dame opted dong Moko kl wa rn los dare elon son oolong os en incl rch onc we ilo cone sor ‘lier you o recone ond tomporoblecheryciswh fe sre produc specions bt wilod gvrenesng ta dacoun/ feo he crate pode. Me mde ocors in ch cavern or neon lores {prot wa wel play onoce tore wo the crre dette For bok pols, ony odverhued price par unt wl only opel i you by the ak pack. Prices sco cccenais ved fr dip purpose and inde 5%, VAT fw ler the produc! ndhaduly os wal, onaber pice wil ppt the nid pres, ox pr he adverivorent Mossman Seces Py id son Authorised Fanci Sees Ponder (FP Lcrse No 149726} unerwrien by Mua & Fede Rik Fmancing, Mekro Cet ckimer.“* Moni stalin ncudes cord fen, ond camer protean masrance ond eres ot 20.25% po. “Tol Rapes nes cord fees, csomer protection surance ond irs ot 20.25% po. "ere! Res ae suet o change Al prices oe irda ond cual repoymens may vory bowed on ocount chy. Feo subject a chonge based on lite fk rl, Repayment epons Revehing, 24-manih budget end 36 mont budge Powered by RCS, a roger Cred ond auhorted Financial Series Prod NRCP 38/SP 44a8 makro my

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