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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Back to School - Valid from 05.01 to 11.01 - Page nb 3

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 05.01.2023 - 11.01.2023

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SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR DAY: PROMOTION 1A WASHING SUNLIGHT WASHING INLIGHT yHINE SURE WASHING SUREAWASHING SUREWASHING SURF WASHING MAO SING WDER, POWDER ‘SUI US wae IG oc cl PF ce Se eins ekg oon | RD re e 43) 38 oes , | (S| 290%| 3652be417" |242'umygg” ne 494" ¢gf495° 207" go | (SE) 290°| 365205417" 242sun94"| | suane 552" OMO WASHING MAG WASHING ma cB POWBER r SKY fl sxe a se Washing tend es 7 iagpiho20. = o Tie 186" 85" Set OMGi2- Ceig SUNLIGHT SUNLIGHT rr ag9sasc BMT, LAGNOW San Al eaec el bi BO ae am wae 2 |” Sunlight Assorted qQy Morro DomesTos Powde saat REO" 390° nal 78 2% va 17 7 \ 60" | 695" 669" sur stse a1” 87" ES ayz: ee rss | TS ce wart me ELANGENI bere Gretgean & Es ti SaSiing L aease ors sande nn BueXey | “Be cae cou BR susor yw: Macrae Assorted | 54702" — AS * tea x A Conditioner @ = } 2” a 12 3 EE a OE 361) fee) 438, 308:| Is » rrip| mae et me ney i Conditioner = DETTOL BATH SOAP | ____ i.e, 4 . a rl « ay Bp | cxrras tess a, | =. 2 ‘ Me ar eas 99 55 2 x, 36 SUNLIGHT PROTEX. Ppa (SECRETS ed Bath Soap Bath binete Triple MATCHES Pack | KIWI SHOE POLISH wisn] DOOM BLUE DEATH a faa Insectelde Kifer sazor MORTEIN |ossave deasre FAST ii ri seves aise t z@ © © a a | ‘ fs Bg te, OS, 6 BBS 34735 39) Sires 256" 225" 198") saris30 | ene 106" 155° 243" E eae MS iy, “syst 20.99 a ae = north Green Oy ea COLGATE TOOTHPASTE eee — weal Triple yecta| oa — cu oo Action : PANAD Bea <i il Sree "jee vt me 99) ORIGINAL py Card Pack #1 ; 7 wast 4 ean "| Bg 128°) “@ 127" 66° 8% Dea gptelins | COMPRAL "Nav BIOPLUS _ sat 19.2¢ ae pe 2B sciienes = fae Depa nergy 3 aon oe Enerey —— Assorted DARLING DARLING ainatock @ we a Gant? ia OnE MEO Tablets vicks ‘VAPORUB, one muiion, Ombre Braid pane Display Acta Plus Tin Vieks Assorted Assorted Yaki Braid = 18° 12 52" 410° 232" - A ere: suttee Wiha Mo. | es ESA aves Essentials F274 he =, mo var| Ents wo var i Maxi Unscented & axgs = = : a4 PRICE’S| tcc MINORA Oe or PAMPERS Candles Peppermint Double contort yack Ass jumbo: 81 er ° ee Sar 13.18 43" 279” 160" : +VAT 70.18 ii auK A tino i ro TEIAL * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON Tre eatin 427727163921 +2776 4428161 * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI rt [ usMAN Tees ae +2773 3405080 +2779 656 3542 7 o Fan e-CATELOGUE Online Sho; SKIP THE QUEUE ILY DEALS!I!ON @ 084 870 0006 peng eel | MOM ; ae G gl

Latest specials

SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR DAY: PROMOTION 1A WASHING SUNLIGHT WASHING INLIGHT yHINE SURE WASHING SUREAWASHING SUREWASHING SURF WASHING MAO SING WDER, POWDER ‘SUI US wae IG oc cl PF ce Se eins ekg oon | RD re e 43) 38 oes , | (S| 290%| 3652be417" |242'umygg” ne 494" ¢gf495° 207" go | (SE) 290°| 365205417" 242sun94"| | suane 552" OMO WASHING MAG WASHING ma cB POWBER r SKY fl sxe a se Washing tend es 7 iagpiho20. = o Tie 186" 85" Set OMGi2- Ceig SUNLIGHT SUNLIGHT rr ag9sasc BMT, LAGNOW San Al eaec el bi BO ae am wae 2 |” Sunlight Assorted qQy Morro DomesTos Powde saat REO" 390° nal 78 2% va 17 7 \ 60" | 695" 669" sur stse a1” 87" ES ayz: ee rss | TS ce wart me ELANGENI bere Gretgean & Es ti SaSiing L aease ors sande nn BueXey | “Be cae cou BR susor yw: Macrae Assorted | 54702" — AS * tea x A Conditioner @ = } 2” a 12 3 EE a OE 361) fee) 438, 308:| Is » rrip| mae et me ney i Conditioner = DETTOL BATH SOAP | ____ i.e, 4 . a rl « ay Bp | cxrras tess a, | =. 2 ‘ Me ar eas 99 55 2 x, 36 SUNLIGHT PROTEX. Ppa (SECRETS ed Bath Soap Bath binete Triple MATCHES Pack | KIWI SHOE POLISH wisn] DOOM BLUE DEATH a faa Insectelde Kifer sazor MORTEIN |ossave deasre FAST ii ri seves aise t z@ © © a a | ‘ fs Bg te, OS, 6 BBS 34735 39) Sires 256" 225" 198") saris30 | ene 106" 155° 243" E eae MS iy, “syst 20.99 a ae = north Green Oy ea COLGATE TOOTHPASTE eee — weal Triple yecta| oa — cu oo Action : PANAD Bea <i il Sree "jee vt me 99) ORIGINAL py Card Pack #1 ; 7 wast 4 ean "| Bg 128°) “@ 127" 66° 8% Dea gptelins | COMPRAL "Nav BIOPLUS _ sat 19.2¢ ae pe 2B sciienes = fae Depa nergy 3 aon oe Enerey —— Assorted DARLING DARLING ainatock @ we a Gant? ia OnE MEO Tablets vicks ‘VAPORUB, one muiion, Ombre Braid pane Display Acta Plus Tin Vieks Assorted Assorted Yaki Braid = 18° 12 52" 410° 232" - A ere: suttee Wiha Mo. | es ESA aves Essentials F274 he =, mo var| Ents wo var i Maxi Unscented & axgs = = : a4 PRICE’S| tcc MINORA Oe or PAMPERS Candles Peppermint Double contort yack Ass jumbo: 81 er ° ee Sar 13.18 43" 279” 160" : +VAT 70.18 ii auK A tino i ro TEIAL * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON Tre eatin 427727163921 +2776 4428161 * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI rt [ usMAN Tees ae +2773 3405080 +2779 656 3542 7 o Fan e-CATELOGUE Online Sho; SKIP THE QUEUE ILY DEALS!I!ON @ 084 870 0006 peng eel | MOM ; ae G gl

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