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Current special Game - Valid from 03.10 to 31.10 - Page nb 22

Special Game 03.10.2022 - 31.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

aac Ect Sees Z lee a) Beg Bauru) unre PALA) Ce Re Ce iy se Tl od hme) Oost vac :) Bennett Read 1.7L UG rh Beta Bea Sc One Ace, ry ee) “a Seon Bennett Read rT) = = coe z : " me aS Beet Cig Lid Cacia enero Bennett Read eure neg +350 Stern) Du haere aati ed eh) ws ts *399 Bennett Read Deep Tissue Massager + 3 interchangeable heads += 1Year warranty + Iter no: 768636 22 | SAGSGAI6N | DEALS VALID 3 - 31 OCTOBER 2022. ne Ss R era Sec Cees Chef 6 (Kpci02) ee) 1659 "4299 Pree Serre rrr Ld Bennett Read 35 L Digital (KBD401) Been Baar) bere Se erent eed = aetna Ee 200°C Borer) Boman Bee AIR FRYERS eM atekss-ttlor- iM nt e-P-1eae ) bit of a moment right now and it’s not too Late to jump on this food appliance bandwagon. NM ne ee Uedesie= ie ks cela eo) Gaui eats okt Ey consistent cooking as quickly as Pl CMa pee aha nea) your cooking game and adding crispy Liat eles Mu rls ai elmo sounds like a deliciously tempting offer.

Latest specials

aac Ect Sees Z lee a) Beg Bauru) unre PALA) Ce Re Ce iy se Tl od hme) Oost vac :) Bennett Read 1.7L UG rh Beta Bea Sc One Ace, ry ee) “a Seon Bennett Read rT) = = coe z : " me aS Beet Cig Lid Cacia enero Bennett Read eure neg +350 Stern) Du haere aati ed eh) ws ts *399 Bennett Read Deep Tissue Massager + 3 interchangeable heads += 1Year warranty + Iter no: 768636 22 | SAGSGAI6N | DEALS VALID 3 - 31 OCTOBER 2022. ne Ss R era Sec Cees Chef 6 (Kpci02) ee) 1659 "4299 Pree Serre rrr Ld Bennett Read 35 L Digital (KBD401) Been Baar) bere Se erent eed = aetna Ee 200°C Borer) Boman Bee AIR FRYERS eM atekss-ttlor- iM nt e-P-1eae ) bit of a moment right now and it’s not too Late to jump on this food appliance bandwagon. NM ne ee Uedesie= ie ks cela eo) Gaui eats okt Ey consistent cooking as quickly as Pl CMa pee aha nea) your cooking game and adding crispy Liat eles Mu rls ai elmo sounds like a deliciously tempting offer.

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