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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 01.05 to 07.05 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 01.05.2023 - 07.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

ne eS A aa i a’ Papaya Prepacks 4 Avocados | Banana Thriftpacks Pineapples 3FOR i Re . PAG. Be, R25 each BIG DEAL 2 roe ET ie ‘, ee eae Ae). | Potato Pockets 7k 4 rm~ A. RSO.. —_— - Soup Packs Persimmon Prepacks SPECIAL VALID WED Cabbages 2FOR ‘Crown Pumpkins 2FOR x MAY 2023 ONLY! 2FOR R3 9 99 R30 292° R35 Mixed Pepper > Thriftpacks 4s Ps 4 i tone each coal 2 ea sort ‘ TRUE 1x Orange Carry Pocket, 7 = } ak = 1x Naartjie Tray, 4 ® ei 1x Potato Bag 3 kg, ae 2 = oY 1x Onion Bag 3 kg, a s 1x Sweet Potato Carry Pocket, Naartjie . Lemon or Orange 1x Butternut Bag 3 kg Carrot Thriftpacks 1 kg Thriftpacks 1kg Graperare carry" Thriftpacks 1 kg 2FOR 2FOR Dockets, 2929 R30 eae y Beef Forequarter ’ j Packs 7 | 6929 F i } h rs srk Ved ; Dy rs Ba, Jacques Kallis ‘ \ Boerewors : - 4 89m es di ds 31 ee Tenderised tra Lean Beet Mince 89.99.15 ‘SPECIAL VALID WED MAY 2023 ONLY! Pork ee Steak aS 79%, A % Chicken Star Packs per kg, er A , 1 we've raised russore | ts AN ALSE 2MILLION constccmecitoronysce ouneamesy dik dee meals&counting and make aDIFFERENCE INFORMATION FORWARDS, TNO elt a LU eathae VM he a Co lela ET R Col FOOD LOVER’S MARKET SY TR NBT) edly es ee sha ete cae a aa ee i NT aoa OA Ee Tcl WGA MBAS ia ei ee oe iu ay Re iain eas Che We Urea e UL tts Re Th ath ies ane eee ne Tt ae

Latest specials

ne eS A aa i a’ Papaya Prepacks 4 Avocados | Banana Thriftpacks Pineapples 3FOR i Re . PAG. Be, R25 each BIG DEAL 2 roe ET ie ‘, ee eae Ae). | Potato Pockets 7k 4 rm~ A. RSO.. —_— - Soup Packs Persimmon Prepacks SPECIAL VALID WED Cabbages 2FOR ‘Crown Pumpkins 2FOR x MAY 2023 ONLY! 2FOR R3 9 99 R30 292° R35 Mixed Pepper > Thriftpacks 4s Ps 4 i tone each coal 2 ea sort ‘ TRUE 1x Orange Carry Pocket, 7 = } ak = 1x Naartjie Tray, 4 ® ei 1x Potato Bag 3 kg, ae 2 = oY 1x Onion Bag 3 kg, a s 1x Sweet Potato Carry Pocket, Naartjie . Lemon or Orange 1x Butternut Bag 3 kg Carrot Thriftpacks 1 kg Thriftpacks 1kg Graperare carry" Thriftpacks 1 kg 2FOR 2FOR Dockets, 2929 R30 eae y Beef Forequarter ’ j Packs 7 | 6929 F i } h rs srk Ved ; Dy rs Ba, Jacques Kallis ‘ \ Boerewors : - 4 89m es di ds 31 ee Tenderised tra Lean Beet Mince 89.99.15 ‘SPECIAL VALID WED MAY 2023 ONLY! Pork ee Steak aS 79%, A % Chicken Star Packs per kg, er A , 1 we've raised russore | ts AN ALSE 2MILLION constccmecitoronysce ouneamesy dik dee meals&counting and make aDIFFERENCE INFORMATION FORWARDS, TNO elt a LU eathae VM he a Co lela ET R Col FOOD LOVER’S MARKET SY TR NBT) edly es ee sha ete cae a aa ee i NT aoa OA Ee Tcl WGA MBAS ia ei ee oe iu ay Re iain eas Che We Urea e UL tts Re Th ath ies ane eee ne Tt ae

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