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Current special Checkers - Valid from 13.10 to 16.10 - Page nb 4

Special Checkers 13.10.2022 - 16.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

BUY ANY 2 & ANY 2 FOR ANY 2 FOR ANY 5 FOR ANY 2 FOR 1¢ Baby Coreat ro more Huggies Gold Jumbo Pack ble Pants per pack x 2 an esse] =o Vaseline Body Lotior Loreal Eivive Purity Baby Food All Varlants 2 x 625ml poo/Conditioner Pouches All Variants ints 2 x ADD 5x 140ml ——= oa «2 8 @ \ Doe 2 a ay we Dor 4 eae” >< ed =e ee e | Dos lz eas SAVE R33 ead Aone ANY 2 FOR BUY 2FOR ANY 2 FOR ANY 3 FOR pees Herd em a oy ern | Kotex Utra Thin Pantene Lesvein ‘Sane conditonerTesiment Tatty Tutimax BUY Mr Sheen ciaiow Window Dettol Bith Soap Dove Bath Soap invariants rutuse budget 8308 Glouner Ipger 1c GET Mr Shoo AlVarante 28176 -AlVaranta'3 100g 200m 3000 Each 220 per pack Gariow Window Claret Refi FREE! i - = a e sy oy Monae a er = Pee | Na BUY2& @ ira { ANY 3 FOR ‘ANY 2 FOR ANY 2FOR G ‘J ero 3 ; = or ——— i = isha Oo ex Ingram’s Caphor Body Cceigat Naturals Ar Wek Ar Freshener BUY ANY 2x Handy Andy Cleaning taanftaces roam Aarne Pro.felttopte Toothpaste ea au ack Agent Wigear aati bode ik Blast ‘nv Vorints 9 50m 2 20m 00m ‘Variants 2 Tot zeastma perpock «A GET a rdone PRET sara Esch en then me “bo —= Comfort Fabric fo Huggies Goid/Extra Caro Domestos Thick Bieach ‘Toineaver Roller Towels Conditioner AB Variants & Bepanthen Nappy ack Disposable ‘All Variants 2 780m Se taneon ‘Geta 3rd one FREE! Gare Ointment 309 Each Nappies par pack ANY 4FOR ANY 2 FOR BUY1& BUY1& = i jo Canine Cultoe Bou Food || _ Shi Ao Wachitn Powser eo oz Feline Culsine Cat Food ——AllVarlants 4hg/S.Skq/6kq Each —2kg/Liquid Detergent 1,5: Each ‘al Variants? x 269, BUY Mr Min Mult Surtace BUY Vanish Power = Cleaner All Variants 300ml >, Fabric Stain Remove o ' A b | = = 3 a n/a CANINE I see: fanioh: C ip I ee ee cu CUISINE CUISINE ies I oll a Cl | better and better BLUE CRANE, DE MARIONETTE SHOPPING CENTRE, CORNER MICHELLE AVENUE AND BLUE CRANE DRIVE, MEYERSDAL EXT 10, ALBERTON, 1448 ‘OFFERS VALID FROM THURSDAY 13/30/2022 UNTL SUNDAY 1610/2022 PRIS APY (COUNTERS. CERTAN QOKED FOR STYLING PURECSES CHC WE RESERVE THE RH RE, CORNER ROCHELLE AVEN 6, MEYERS ARG LIME 080 10, ALDERTON. 148. TOLLFRE)X 0D ONLY AAKABLE AT STORES TH SEAFOO 5 SUPPORT LIN 0800333385 (TOLLFRED) Pages

Latest specials

BUY ANY 2 & ANY 2 FOR ANY 2 FOR ANY 5 FOR ANY 2 FOR 1¢ Baby Coreat ro more Huggies Gold Jumbo Pack ble Pants per pack x 2 an esse] =o Vaseline Body Lotior Loreal Eivive Purity Baby Food All Varlants 2 x 625ml poo/Conditioner Pouches All Variants ints 2 x ADD 5x 140ml ——= oa «2 8 @ \ Doe 2 a ay we Dor 4 eae” >< ed =e ee e | Dos lz eas SAVE R33 ead Aone ANY 2 FOR BUY 2FOR ANY 2 FOR ANY 3 FOR pees Herd em a oy ern | Kotex Utra Thin Pantene Lesvein ‘Sane conditonerTesiment Tatty Tutimax BUY Mr Sheen ciaiow Window Dettol Bith Soap Dove Bath Soap invariants rutuse budget 8308 Glouner Ipger 1c GET Mr Shoo AlVarante 28176 -AlVaranta'3 100g 200m 3000 Each 220 per pack Gariow Window Claret Refi FREE! i - = a e sy oy Monae a er = Pee | Na BUY2& @ ira { ANY 3 FOR ‘ANY 2 FOR ANY 2FOR G ‘J ero 3 ; = or ——— i = isha Oo ex Ingram’s Caphor Body Cceigat Naturals Ar Wek Ar Freshener BUY ANY 2x Handy Andy Cleaning taanftaces roam Aarne Pro.felttopte Toothpaste ea au ack Agent Wigear aati bode ik Blast ‘nv Vorints 9 50m 2 20m 00m ‘Variants 2 Tot zeastma perpock «A GET a rdone PRET sara Esch en then me “bo —= Comfort Fabric fo Huggies Goid/Extra Caro Domestos Thick Bieach ‘Toineaver Roller Towels Conditioner AB Variants & Bepanthen Nappy ack Disposable ‘All Variants 2 780m Se taneon ‘Geta 3rd one FREE! Gare Ointment 309 Each Nappies par pack ANY 4FOR ANY 2 FOR BUY1& BUY1& = i jo Canine Cultoe Bou Food || _ Shi Ao Wachitn Powser eo oz Feline Culsine Cat Food ——AllVarlants 4hg/S.Skq/6kq Each —2kg/Liquid Detergent 1,5: Each ‘al Variants? x 269, BUY Mr Min Mult Surtace BUY Vanish Power = Cleaner All Variants 300ml >, Fabric Stain Remove o ' A b | = = 3 a n/a CANINE I see: fanioh: C ip I ee ee cu CUISINE CUISINE ies I oll a Cl | better and better BLUE CRANE, DE MARIONETTE SHOPPING CENTRE, CORNER MICHELLE AVENUE AND BLUE CRANE DRIVE, MEYERSDAL EXT 10, ALBERTON, 1448 ‘OFFERS VALID FROM THURSDAY 13/30/2022 UNTL SUNDAY 1610/2022 PRIS APY (COUNTERS. CERTAN QOKED FOR STYLING PURECSES CHC WE RESERVE THE RH RE, CORNER ROCHELLE AVEN 6, MEYERS ARG LIME 080 10, ALDERTON. 148. TOLLFRE)X 0D ONLY AAKABLE AT STORES TH SEAFOO 5 SUPPORT LIN 0800333385 (TOLLFRED) Pages

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